Do find the new process at FinAssam to download FinAssam salary slip for April 2024 on login to which allows a government employee to download Assam Pay Slip. Check the requirements for FinAssam salary slip download…
To get a convenient way for every working employee of Assam state working in different government departments, the State Government of Assam has brought an online HRMS Login portal to get access to employee career information.
This FinAssam website is under the Finance Department of State and thus accounts for the entire salary structure of their state government employees in the name of FinAssam Salary Slip, and any employee who registered can signin to this website and start using the facilities online.
Before going to follow the steps to download your FinAssam Employee Pay Slip, you must have registered Finassam login credentials to meet the requirement.
Here 99employee will provide about how to download the monthly payslip from the Assam state website using your unique finassam emloyee login credentials to get your employee payslip download in a quick way by following the below steps.
FinAssam Salary Slip
A Government employee of Assam state may download their pay details through to get current or even the past month salary slip with below steps
- Visit FinAssam State Finance Department online website using
- Select Employee Login under services or under Login
- Fill your Username followed by Password
- Provide captcha and submit to load employee page
- Tap on Profile and verify your details to cross-check the account
- Click on Payslip
- Select the Year from the drop-down list
- Scroll down and select the respective Month
- Get Payslip Popup
- Download required month salary slip
- Selected monthly FinAssam salary slip will now download to your device from FinAssam login, thus, you can view your details as per the payment sheet and get to know about your salary details thoroughly.

Can I download FinAssam Salary Slip from Last Year?
Assam Finance Department web portal Finassam allows its government employees to access the FinAssam salary slip pdf from their date of employment, where in most cases the previous 48 months of Pay Slip are easily available and for the older one, employees should visit their nearest accounts department office.
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Is Assam Employee Salary Slip Sign Up Necessary to Download Pay Slip?
Yes, to get access to the FinAssam Salary Slip web portal, every employee who eligible may get themselves registered, and after successful registration, a unique username along with its password may create by an employee to access online web portal.
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Can I use Finassam Salary Slip for Applying House Loan?
FinAssam Salary Slip may download from a web portal is proof of employee working for the salary structure mentioned. This downloaded Slip may used as proof for your House Loan if required, the print Payslip may dual signed with the Head of Department of Account to make it fully valid for any kind of government or personal purpose.
All done correctly but invalid credentials are shown on my page plz help me it’s urgent.
How I can upload my mobile number.
Please give pay slip facility
How can I registration of Assam employee on my new user name and mobile number.
Upload of my new mobile number and email address. I am a employee of Assam govt.
Pay slip format
March & April salary slip
I am an employee of Assam govt. But till date I have not been able to register my name and password in Finasam. So you help me how I can upload my username and mobile number.
I am employee of Assam govt. All done correctly on finassam. But invalid credentials are shown on finassam page . How can I registration on finassam now?