Addition of family member in CGHS is important, Let you know How an employee or pensioner can add or delete name in CGHS card in online, and how to add family members in CGHS card online…
Is there any addition or deletion form to download, Who can approach for addition for new born child and for deletion of children names after marriage, How to add new family member as spouse in CGHS plastic card is some of the FAQs raised, then here us the solution, just check.
CGHS plastic card is issued for Government employee under the scheme of health benefits, where the health benefits are provided by wellness centres from Government which celebrates from different medical schemes, and the employee or pensioner who is under CGHS is eligible to add their family members in CGHS Plastic card to avail the health benefits.
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Addition of Family Member in CGHS
Health benefits card will be provided by government and save deposited of the same is the responsibility of the employee, To add the names of family members in CGHS Plastic card, employee should fill their details filled in application form with attached photo, where the name of family member to be added must be as per government ID proof attached for reference.

Employee can find Application form for Addition or Deletion of family member name in CGHS Card can be found in the official website of Central Government Health Scheme of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and also we present your for ready reference in the link
Reference Application: For Serving Employees and Pensioners
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Employee code must be written at the top corner with number of CGHS Cards to be issued along with working address of employee, and the names of Family members to be added or deleted should be filled in fourth box with their Date of birth and relation with employee mentioned.
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The filled in application form needs to be submitted by employee to department after confirming date & signature. Form submitted to the department will be made dual signature by head of department to verify the details submitted.
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How to Add Family Members in CGHS Card Online
As of now, there is no specified online application to add family members in CGHS card online.
To add or delete the name of your family members in your CGHS card, the beneficiary must submit the above-referred duly filled application with necessary below mentioned documents to concerned authority to process the addition of family members in your CGHS card.
Documents Required for Addition of Name in CGHS Card
The below are the acceptable documents required for addition of name in CGHS card in the name of renewal CGHS card
- Employee Identity Card / Pensioner PPO Copy
- CGHS ID card copy
- Duly filled CGHS Application with Names of Family with Date of both & Relation
- POI / POA of family members
- Full communication address of employees needs to be compulsory, the Application form filled with all the details will not be accepted if Employee hasn’t made his/her signature on it.
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How many days it will take to add a name in CGHS card?
The process to get names added or deleted form CGHS card will take approximately 14 working days or even more.
Mere bete name add karo, Somansh sharma, age 6 month
My wife Y Janaki Devi with plastic card No:1205995 is fully dependent on me. My Id is 1205990. Her date of birth is 10 August 1948. Please kindly see it’s connected to my beneficiary account.
I am pensioner, My request is to correct my spouse name in her card as per her Aadhaar card and PAN card, Please intimate procedure and form required for correction of spouse name.
I want to add my new born baby name in CGHS also born on 26 Oct 2020, he admitted for a day after one week can i claim for the same in office under CGHS policy for reimbursement.
I want to delete my name on the pensioner CGHS card please tell me how could I cancel my name on the CGHS card
we want to add a dependent divorce girl child in CGHS card, what is the procedure and format of an affidavit if any. pls send us
I want to add my Father name in my family as dependents member, How to add please give the details along with website.
I want to add my mother in law’s name in dgehs card, What is the procedure
I am a pensioner, while applying for a CGHS card my mother’s name is not added. Now she is staying with me and add her name in the CGHS card. What is the procedure for adding my mother’s name in the CGHS card?
I want my father name add my CGHS card how process kindly inform me
I already have CGHS card of my 2.5 year girl child with the name Hazel. I made her D.O.B. certificate now on which her name is Hitakshi. I want to make a new CGHS card for her with name mentioned on it Hitakshi. How can I make it possible.
I want to delete my husband name from CGHS card how?
I want to add my sister name in cghs card. She is unmarried and dependent on me. What is the procedure?
Can I add my wife in CGHS? She is working at nationalized bank and ready for leave her medical facility. Please guide how to add my wife in CGHS. If any rule is there kindly inform me?
How can i add my wife and daughters name in my cghs card?