RCH Portal Self Registration & Data Entry Login 2024

Detailed Info on RCH Portal at rch.nhm.gov.in, Know how to login into RCH, it’s data entry for Pregnant Women / Children and Clear process for Child entry in Reproductive and Child Health portal with entry options…

Reproductive and Child Health is among few government schemes that were brought by the Government of India for the Welfare of babies and mothers in their crucial period. The Reproductive and Child Health scheme is being introduced by the Health and Family Welfare Department in India to bring many benefit programs for the women after and during their delivery.

RCH Portal

This scheme does help to record and identify the women who are undergoing their life cycle. The scheme looks after the RCH portal promotes, monitors, reproductive support, maternal, neonatal, force health scheme, program delivery and reporting.

Objective Ensure Quality services by ensuing IMR & MMR under National Health Mission
Official Website rch.nhm.gov.in/RCH
Eligible for Pregnant Women and Children on Self Registration
Department Health & Family Welfare Dept under Govt of India
Email helpdesk-mcts@lsmgr.nic.in

To ensure the Reproductive and Child Health in India, these schemes have launched to implement all over the states of the country within their health schemes as a priority.

RCH Portal

Individuals can access Reproductive and Child Health using their official portal by the URL link rch.nhm.gov.in. These portals do have features that help one to recognize and get support from the Government during the pregnancy period.

In these schemes the Child and the pregnant women referred as beneficiaries and the whole scheme in different states of Country will be monitored by the Government of India.

Reproductive and Child Health Objective

The Reproductive and Child Health scheme does try to ensure and protect the children of the Country. As the child now is the future of the country and it is the duty of the government to ensure their safety and well being in their growth.

The health tracking of pregnant women, identification of new children along with assisting the women before as well after the birth of child will process under these schemes. Along with these monitoring and support systems, there are benefits that are provided to women in terms of consideration or items in regular intervals for their healthy life.

Reproductive and Child Health Benefits

Let us have a look at some benefits of the Reproductive and Child Health scheme which is provided by the government of India.

  1. Various government services to be provided to babies and pregnant women
  2. These portal used and monitored by government officials
  3. Improve the health service delivery of a women through RCH
  4. Get prepare the action plan for the health worker during delivery period
  5. Assists health workers to identity the beneficiary and provide proper check ups
  6. Entry to be made of all women in portal for tracking their life cycle
  7. Identify the risk of pregnant women and provide proper benefits respectively
  8. Checkup, postnatal checkup and immunization services to be provided

RCH Portal Login

The login process to Reproductive and Child Health is quite easy, and here we have provided the detailed guide to access the services portal page of Reproductive and Child Health through using your login credentials.

  1. Open official website of Reproductive and Child Health portal or Use rch.nhm.gov.in/RCH to visit the homepage of RCH portal directly
  2. Click on Data Entry
  3. Enter your username and then your password in the Login columns
  4. Click on Login button and wait for verification to be processed
  5. That’s it, The Reproductive and Child Health login process is successful and the official can access the services page to enter as well monitor the details of pregnant women through online.

RCH Portal Data Entry

It is all required to enter the details of women who have started to be in their pregnancy period and as well details of a child who has just been born. These details added through the Data entry option in Reproductive and Child Health which described below.

  1. Go to the official webpage of Reproductive and Child Health from rch.nhm.gov.in/RCH/
  2. Click on Data Entry option from menu and then wait for Login page
  3. Enter your login credentials island then click on Pregnant Woman Entry
  4. Select Add New Entry and then fill the details of women here
  5. Submit the registration form and wait for details to load in RCH portal

That’s it! This way one can add the information of the pregnant women in the Reproductive and Child Health portal and the registration of that particular woman loaded in the official portal.

Child Entry Process in RCH Portal

The new child data has to enter by the respective government officials who were in charge of the respective region where the woman has delivered the baby. Thus follow these steps and get to know about how to enter new child details.

  1. Go to the Reproductive and Child Health portal rch.nhm.gov.in/RCH
  2. Click on DATA Entry and then provide your login credentials
  3. Successfully login, select the Child Entry option from menu
  4. Click on New Entry and then start filling the information of child
  5. Enter Mobile number, date of birth and the address along with place
  6. Click on save entry button to submit the details to RCH portal

That’s it! Once details saved, the information of the child saved in Reproductive and Child Health and will use for further identification of the child during their service programs.

Reproductive and Child Health Entry Options

Here are the details of information which can access by the local government official through Reproductive and Child Health. These entry options will be open to access and as well to track the child or women.

  • Profile entry of Child or Women
  • Eligible Couple for Reproductive and Child Health program
  • Pregnant women entry
  • New Born Child Entry
  • Health Provider Entry
  • Bank information Entry
  • Direct Data Entry
  • Advanced Search option
  • EC Registration

What are the benefits provided through the RCH Program?

The Government of India has brought the Reproductive and Child Health to bring different services to the newborn child and pregnant women. Monthly ration, healthy milk products, eggs, nominal amount during and after pregnancy are some basic benefits provided to women to support them in their pregnancy period.

Does RCH Portal monitor child growth as well?

Yes, the Government of India has directed to track the wellbeing of a child until they attain an age of maturity. Thus the program does help women by providing the essential and nominal benefits amount in their account directly to grow the child with good health.

Can I register my child after birth in the RCH portal?

In case if you haven’t been a beneficiary in the Reproductive and Child Health during your pregnancy period, then you need to visit the nearest health department from the government in your area to add the child entry. The minimal benefits that are for the child will be provided to the family under these schemes but not the full programs benefits.

Is Reproductive and Child Health Program for everyone in the Country?

The Reproductive and Child Health program has been initiated to bring support to the women in rural and urban areas who do struggle during their pregnancy period. The beneficiary services will only be provided to any women who does possess a ration card and as well does have their income limit as the required limit of RCH program.

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