Check Union Bank New IFSC Code on SMS

How to check Union Bank New IFSC Code on SMS for erstwhile Andhrabank or Corporation Bank

After Amalgamation of Andhrabank and Corporation bank into Union Bank of India from 01.04.2020, the IFSC codes were changed of both the banks. Here you can find Union Bank New IFSC Code on SMS simply.

Even the new IFSC code comes into effect, UBI allows old IFSC code of both the banks upto 30.06.2021. So, customers can find Corporation Bank New IFSC code or Andhra bank new IFSC code instantly on SMS.

Union Bank IFSC Codes List
SMS Format IFSC <Old IFSC Code> to 9223008486
Bank’s Customer Care 18002082244
Old IFSC valid upto 30th June 2021
Erst while Corporation Bank New IFSC code starts with UBIN09XXXXX
Andhra Bank (Erstwhile) New IFSC starts with UBIN08XXXXX
Bank Website

Can we send IFSC code request SMS from any mobile?

Yes, UBI banking or nonbanking customers can find the new IFSC code of any bank at anytime from any mobile. There is no mandatory for registered mobile usage.

Will old IFSC code of Andhrabank and Corporation bank continues?

No, if the customer done any transaction on old IFSC code after 30.06.2021, the transactions will gets cancelled.

You may find new IFSC codes for erstwhile AndhraBank at

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