BSNL Employee Group Term Insurance of LIC, Renew BSNL GTI at ERP Portal

BSNL employee Group Term Insurance (BSNL GTI) complete details are updated, Find the eligibility and how to apply online BSNL GTI and withdrawn if not required and who are not considered as LIC GTI policy holder…

BSNL has signed an MOU for Term Insurance with Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) for Group Term Insurance (GTI) for their employee term insurance executives from 2020 and Non Executives from 2021 and renewed from time to time till now upto 2024-2025. This BSNL GTI scheme is voluntary and its premium shall be paid by the concerned BSNL employee.

This new BSNL Group Term Insurance Policy of LIC has been aimed at providing adequate financial security to nominees in the unfortunate eventuality of death of the policyholder or BSNL employee to fulfil family’s financial needs, liabilities, repayment of loan etc apart from usual tax benefits.

The willing employee of any cadre are required to exercise their options to join the scheme online through BSNL ERP / ESS portal, where the online options only valid and final, and no written applications or representations to join or for withdrawn will be accepted, and after application submission, the annual premium will be deducted from BSNL employee salary for the month of February 2024.

No subsequent payments will be allowed in any form, and no subsequent request to withdraw and refund of the deducted premium will be admissible under any circumstances. Let you check how to apply online through ESS BSNL as below

BSNL Employee Group Term Insurance Scheme Online Application

  1. Open BSNL ERP portal at
  2. Login with your user and password
  3. Click Employee Self Service
  4. Select GTI – Group Term Insurance
  5. Click on Executive or Non Executive as per your cadre
  6. Snap Group Term Insurance NE Update for non executive employee
  7. Check the details of Scheme under Section A (commencement of policy, maximum cover and annual premium and more) and Section B (Details of employee)
  8. Tick I wish to JOIN / CONTINUE
  9. Click Submit to Confirm
  10. Press Yes
  11. Click Print if you require to take a print of the submitted LIC Group term insurance online form
    • Print out of the Option statement can be taken from ERP / ESS portal by the applicants for their reference, and the same will also remain available on the ESS portal, and No signatures are required and the hard copy is not required to be submitted anywhere.
BSNL Employee Group Term Insurance

BSNL Employee GTI Premium Details

Scheme Details For Non ExecutivesExecutives
Tentative Date of commencement of Policy 01.03.2024 upto 29.02.202501.03.2024 upto 29.02.2025
Maximum Cover Rs 20 LakhsRs. 50 Lakhs
Membership of Duration Till Retirement Till Retirement
Premium Payment Annually Annually
Annual Premium rate (Born on or after 15.09.1973) (including GST)Rs. 3776 Rs. 9440 for 50L
Annual Premium rate (Born before 15.09.1973 (including GST)Rs. 18172 Rs. 45430 for 50Lakhs
Rs.18172 for 20lakhs

BSNL GTI Application Dates

The online window for entry in the scheme will be open from 10.02.2024 and up to 17.02.2024, 17:00hrs. Only online options are final and the list of non-executives / executives who opts for the policy shall be uploaded on portal.

Is there any withdrawal option of LIC GTI for BSNL employee

The entrants (optees) will be allowed to withdraw their options, if they so desire, during online window on ERP/ESS portal from 18.02.2024 upto 19.02.2024.

Who are eligible for LIC Group Term Insurance

All serving BSNL employees (Non executives) as on 01.03.2024 are eligible for joining the scheme

Who are not considered as GTI policy holder

In case, the option to join the scheme has been exercised and premium has been deducted from the salary for the month of February 2024, but the employee resigned / retired / died before 01.03.2024, he / she will not be considered for GTI scheme for the current year and such cases may be reported to this office immediately. The premium already deducted will be refunded thereafter as per due process.

Can we pay the GTI premium in online as like LIC policy?

No, it is not required, every year the employee salary of February will be deducted with GTI premium if opted for LIC Group Term Insurance Policy, so there is no requirement of LIC payment in online or offline and there is also no worry about lapsed policy.

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