15 thoughts on “FinAssam Login and Registration for Employee Fin Assam ESS”

  1. Sir, in the Recorded phone number, is now available, So can I register with my new number? I have registered my new number in my salary account (SBI) but still showing that my no is recorded (finassam.in)

  2. Sir, I can’t complete the registration process in finassam employee registration portal, it shows no record found whether my salary account (SBI) and IFS Code is correct and my salary is credited regularly, please help me to solve the problem.

  3. Sir, I can’t complete the registration process in finassam employee registration portal, it shows no record found whether my salary account (SBI) and IFS Code is correct and my salary is credited regularly, please help me to solve the problem.

  4. Before two year ago, i did the registration but now while i try to open the page login and also try to sign up but it shown that number is not exist plz contact to your DDO, kindly advise me to fix the problem

  5. Sir, I second time send a message to you about to registration on finassam. I can’t complete the registration process in finassam employee registration portal, it shows no record found.But my salary account (SBI) and IFS Code is correct and my salary is credited regularly, So sir, please help me to solve the problems.


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