Puducherry eSalary Mobile App for Payslip & Services

Install Puducherry eSalary mobile app on your android mobile to download the Pondicherry payslip, if you are working as a Government employee under the Puducherry territory, just check the process…

The Pondicherry Government has designed the Pay Soft software to manage the employee data along with their different services like Puducherry Pay Slip, and the PaySoft website can be used by the employee and as well by the department to access all the other employee services.

The eSalary Puducherry Mobile Application is designed to bring every service from PaySoft through mobile, such that employees will get every details of their employment using their mobile.

Any update in salary payslip for employee along with their other information or the grievance can be raised directly by using the Esalary Mobile App, the work of the department as well gets easier with the Esalary Mobile App, as it makes them stop disturbing offline slips for Salary and Puducherry GPF Slip accounts.

Puducherry eSalary Mobile App

eSalary Puducherry

99employee.com provides Puducherry Government Esalary Mobile application APK installation by does help the employees to get their employee information updated directly, Use these below-given steps and get the Esalary Mobile Download.

  1. Visit the official website of Puducherry Paysoft at esalary.py.gov.in
  2. Click on E Salary mobile app APK link to download the Application and to install
  3. Select the Employee Login, after selecting the Launch button
  4. Now enter your GPF or PRAN number along with the verification code
  5. Once verified, you will be allowed to look for the various features and services that are provided by the Pondicherry government through the Esalary Mobile App.

How to Check Pay Slip from Esalary Mobile App

The Esalary Pondicherry Mobile Application does get an easier way to check the details which can be accessed by the PaySoft Puducherry Government.

  1. Launch your Esalary Puducherry Mobile App in your Android Mobile
  2. Use the credentials of GPF or PRAN to login in App
  3. Once verified, you can see details of your employment on home screen
  4. Select the Pay Slip from the options in the menu
  5. Verify your name at the top, to ensure your details are correct
  6. Now select the respective month along with year to show
  7. Click on View payslip, to do pay on your screen
  8. You can either use the option to download the Pay Slip from the eSalary Mobile App on your screen without visiting the department office and get your updated slip directly.

Can I get my Salary Slip of any month from Esalary Mobile App?

Yes, the paysoft website that has been designed by the state government of Puducherry does provide updates through Esalary Mobile App, and the salary slip of any month and other important information can be directly view or download the data from the Application using your mobile.

Do I need to register separately on Esalary Mobile App?

No, the login details for the PaySoft online website by the employee of the Pondicherry Government are likely to be used for the Esalary Mobile App, and the Android application can be used with the GPF or PRAN number, as well employees can look at other details as shown on the screen to easily login with their credentials.

Can we download last year’s pay slip from Esalary Mobile?

Yes, the Esalary Mobile App of Puducherry state is directly linked with their official website, and the payslip of the previous year will be available, employees can use the option of month and year to get the selected payslip from the Esalary Mobile App.

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