PTIN Number Telangana plays a major role to get accurate search results of property, Let’s do check how to get PTIN number Telangana and check what to do if missed.
Telangana state does have a unique PTIN number for every property in their state. Every property owner will be provided with a PTIN number Telangana which will be associated with their property. This PTIN Number will be unique and will be necessary to pay the property tax twice every year.
Telangana state government has Hyderabad Municipal Corporation and Telangana Municipal Corporation which looks after the property tax issue and collection.
The area of Hyderabad is under GHMC and other parts of Telangana state will be under Municipal Corporation, which will look after every detail and service of property tax.

In this article, you can learn more about how to get PTIN number Telangana and in this simple guide to know your PTIN Number online in quick steps.
How to Get PTIN Number Telangana
PTIN Number Telangana will be available to property owners in simple steps from GHMC web portal who have registered mobile number
- Go to the GHMC official website using
- Click on Our Services
- Go to Property Tax > Property Tax > CDMA
- Next click on Property Tax Search
- Tap on Get your PTIN Number
- Select District > ULB > Merged GP
- Click Generate PTIN Number
- Follow onscreen instructions
- Fill mobile number and enter the OTP sent to your registered number if asked
- Verify OTP and then you will get a display of PTIN number Telangana
Also read>>> Telangana Property Tax Search
How to Get PTIN Number in Offline
The citizens of Telangana can know their TS Property Tax Number or PTIN Telananga for their property in residence of Telangana state by visiting the nearest Mee-Seva Kendra or Municipal Office.
- Locate and visit the nearest Municipal office or Mee-Seva Kendra
- Provide your house number and other required details
- The respective officer will get your PTIN number for your property
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What if I miss my PTIN Number Telangana for Property Tax payment?
As per the government guidelines the property tax mandatory for every property holder and it has made within the due time. The delay in payment will result in extra penalty charges and further delay of payment will get the owner to face legal action against them.
Also read>>> Telangana Property Tax Payment
How PTIN Telangana Property Tax calculated?
The property tax calculation made based on the area and the type of the hold. The property tax formula will be different for commercial space and residential space. Based on the type of property, the interest along with the total area of property may considered.
Also read>>> GHMC Property Tax Payment
What does the PTIN Telangana Property tax number look like?
The PTIN Telangana Property Tax is a combination of 9 characters which start with the letter P and continue with 8 digit numeric number. The combinations of letter and numeric numbers allocated to your property in the account of property tax.
Please provide my ptin number