Railway Employee Leave Application Forms for Different Kinds

Indian Railway Employee can avail a different kind of leaves according to the situation at the moment on application submission for Sick Leave, EL, Paternity, Maternity, Leave not due and more, Have a look… Leave Application: Indian Railways does have a proper process for its employees regarding their leave and attendance. If an employee is

Railway Employee Pass Application for Home or Foreign Lines

Presenting Indian Railway employee pass application form for sanction of Pass to Class, School Privilege, Complimentary Passes over Home and Foreign lines, Check the conditions to apply for Railway pass… Indian Railways employees who are on their trip to a new place can get the passes from the Department, and if you’re an employee of

UMID Medical Card Download Online at umid.digitalir.in

UMID medical card download in online is one of the accurate options for Indian Railway employees through UMID which is essentially the only card you need as either an employee or pensioner or a family member who wants to receive Indian Railways health and medical benefits, services, and more. So, in this article, we will

Railway Child Care Leave Application for Women Employee

Sanction of Child Care Leave application form is enclosed for ready reference to submit to Railway authority for early sanction of leave to take of a minor child… Indian Railways does provide a fair opportunity to its employees to manage their personal life, where the life of an Indian Railways employee is crucial, as they

LARGESS Application for Retirement in Indian Railways

Application for LARGESS is enclosed, Check the requirements and download the form to apply through proper channel… The full form is LARGESS is “Liberalised Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff”. The Indian Railways gives a fair opportunity for every individual working in its various departments under safety categories for using the Appreciation

Inter Divisional or Inter Railway Mutual Transfer Application

Presenting the new application format of Railway employee mutual transfer in case of Inter Railway or Inter Divisional, Check the process and submission requirements… The Indian Railway organization has thousands of employees all across Indian and over the offices with various departments that you switch between, and If you are working in one of the

Railway Application Form for Spectacles Cost Reimbursement

Do find the application to claim the reimbursement cost of spectacles for Railway employee force when purchased for official use on mandatory requirement… One of the essential reasons why the Indian Railway department and its employees are so connected is its minute welfare reforms, and this application is one such reform through which you will

Encashment of Leave on Average Pay (LAP) for Railway Employee

Do find the new application for encashment of leave on average pay issued for Railway employee, check who are applicable and whom not allowed to avail LAP benefit… The Indian Railway Department provides different types of leaves to all their employees in order to ensure that they take care of their personal affairs and health

Railway Forms Download and Print for Employee

List of 42 Railway employee applications available now on live| just download the required railway employee application to submit to authorities… Railways are spread across all corners of India and there are lakhs of employees working for them daily. Indian holding a large Railways line for transportation, major industries, and companies do depend on Railways