Steps to register eHRMS Punjab presented. Find a step-by-step process for HRMS Punjab to login with new user id and default password to login to ESS…
eHRMS Punjab
Punjab State Government employee now login to eHRMS portal on getting access with new user id and default password from DDO to manage ESS portal services. The Integrated Human Resource Management System of Punjab refers to as iHRMS Punjab. There is a Nodal officer or a DDO officer allocated to every department to manage the Employee details.
HRMS Punjab includes their leaves, present days, maintaining their health calendar and getting their payslip ready. Every employee under Punjab State Government needs to get connect with their department DDO officer to activate their account.
iHRMS Punjab governs by the state finance department. This manages the payment of salaries to employees including timely updating their Punjab employee salary slip in ESS portal.

eHRMS Punjab Registration
Every employee working in Punjab state government can get access to HRMS Punjab portal by connecting with DDO officers. Follow the below steps to get your HRMS Punjab access.
- Visit your Department Account office and find your DDO or Nodal officer
- Provider your details as per your employment record to officer
- Active Mobile number and date of birth for future verification
- DDO officer will process your request and grant you User ID
- Using the User ID and Default Password, you can access the iHRMS Punjab Employee page.
Employees to manage their eHRMS punjab services, should login to iHRMS Punjab official website, and we have got the steps which you can follow to login iHRMS Punjab and access the services provided.
eHRMS Punjab Login
- Go to iHRMS Punjab web portal using the link
- Click on the Login button to visit the eHRMS Punjab employee login page
- Select Login as HRMS Code
- Enter your user id and password
- Provide the Captcha code text shown inbox
- Click on Login
- Your User ID and Password may checked to grant to access
- Once verified, the employee page loaded on-screen and the services of HRMS Punjab will be on screen
- That’s it, using this HRMS Punjab login employee page you can avail of every service that grants to Punjab state government employees online.
Can apply Leave on HRMS Punjab portal
A government employee can apply for any kind of leave on login to HRMS Punjab online portal under Leave Section to reach to concerned authorities for necessary approval.
Can I get a Pay Slip without Logging into iHRMS Punjab Portal?
The Payslip of every employee is now being given through HRMS Punjab Online portal, and thus the access to every state government employee is given, using which one can access their payslip of any respective month, and else they can visit their Department Account office and request to get a hard copy of Pay Slip.
Can I Download the iHRMS Punjab Employee Pay Slip?
Yes, as you have access to HRMS Punjab portal with your employee credentials, it allows you to view the Pay Slip of a selected month, and at the same time, you can use the option of Print or Download to get a soft copy of your Pay Slip.
What is eSalary iHRMS Punjab?
ESalary is a facility that is brought to get the employee salaries published online which is secured to one user only, and an access point to view the history of Pay Slip and detail about employees are possible using the eSalary iHRMS Punjab service.
What is the default password of i HRMS Punjab
Employee code and Password will sent to employee by their establishment, and OTP will sent through SMS, if require password through forgot password option.
Sir who I registered with iHrms, please tell me, Thanks
Sir I have submitted my ACR online my reporting officer submit report but my reviewing officer not submit tomorrow is last date please suggest me what can I do.
I have tried several times to reach hrms Punjab site but never find myself successful
i forget my password what should i do?