Odisha pay scale matrix is designed in such a way that all the employees can be categorized with new fitment under different salary ranges, pay scales or pay band so that it helps the government to provide timely benefits, hikes and advancements based on the current salary, scale or band.
Are you an employee of any government-based organization or corporation governed by the Odisha government? Even if you are or not, then you might be wondering what would be the pay scale or salary range for some other position?
Well that is a question that everyone is puzzled about and if you are also someone who is looking to be a part of the Odisha government job scale, then you might want to look at the pay band we have listed in this article.

Another good news for the employees of Government of Odisha is that, they have announced a 5% hike in their DA which is Dearness Allowance. Around 3,50,000 employees all across the state of Odisha will avail this increase in their salary range in terms of DA hike.
Also Read: agodisha.gov.in GPF statement
Government of Odisha Employee Pay Scales Online – Salary Range or Pay Band
As you all know that everytime the Pay Commission releases a new payout increase, all the government based organizations and corporations should adopt the new pay scales as mentioned and cited by the pay commission. All the salary ranges that you are seeing below are after the increase.
Odisha Govt Employee Pay Scales
Many people do not know that Salary range falls under Pay Scale or Pay Band in case of the Odisha government. Where the Pay Band is designed in such a way that it has the general basic pay range that helps to distinguish one employee from another.
- Pay Band 1S – (4750-14680)
- Pay Band 1S – 4930-14680)
- Pay Band PB I – (5200 To 20200)
- Pay Band PB II – (9300 To 34800)
- Pay Band PB III – (15600 To 39100)
- Pay Band PB IV – (37400 To 67000)
As you can see the salary range for the basic pay of an employee increases as the pay band increases and this pertains to different types of employment ranges that includes contractual and permanent as below.
Pay land | ·1S (4750- 146801 | ·1S (4930- 146801 | Pl-1 (5200-20200) | PIH (9300-34800) | Pl-3 (15600-39100) | PM (37400-67000) | ||||||||||||
Grade Pav | 1700 | 1ns | 1800 | 1900 | 2000 | 2200 | 2400 | 2I00 | 4200 | 4800 | 4800 | 5400 | 5400 | 6600 | 7600 | 8700 | 8800 | 9000 |
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | |
1 | 16600 | 17200 | 18000 | 19900 | 21700 | 23600 | 25500 | 29200 | 35400 | 44900 | 47600 | 56100 | 67700 | 78800 | 123100 | 127100 | 135100 | |
2 | 17100 | 1noo | 18500 | 20500 | 22400 | 24300 | 26300 | 30100 | 36500 | 46200 | 49000 | 57800 | 69700 | 81200 | 126800 | 130900 | 139200 | |
3 | 17600 | 18200 | 19100 | 21100 | 23100 | 25000 | 27100 | 31000 | 37600 | 47600 | 50500 | 59500 | 71800 | 83600 | 130600 | 134800 | 143400 | |
4 | 18100 | 18700 | 19700 | 21700 | 23800 | 25800 | 27900 | 31900 | 38700 | 49000 | 52000 | 61300 | 74000 | 86100 | 134500 | 138800 | 147700 | |
5 | 18600 | 19300 | 20300 | 22400 | 24500 | 26600 | 28700 | 32900 | 39900 | 50500 | 53600 | 63100 | 76200 | 88700 | 138500 | 143000 | 152100 | |
6 | 19200 | 19900 | 20900 | 23100 | 25200 | 27400 | 29600 | 33900 | 41100 | 52000 | 55200 | 65000 | 78500 | 91400 | 142700 | 147300 | 156700 | |
7 | 19800 | 20500 | 21500 | 23800 | 26000 | 28200 | 30500 | 34900 | 42300 | 53600 | 56900 | 67000 | 80900 | 94100 | 147000 | 151700 | 161400 | |
8 | 20400 | 21100 | 22100 | 24500 | 26800 | 29000 | 31400 | 35900 | 43600 | 55200 | 58600 | 69000 | 83300 | 96900 | 151400 | 156300 | 166200 | |
9 | 21000 | 21700 | 22800 | 25200 | 27600 | 29900 | 32300 | 37000 | 44900 | 56900 | 60400 | 71100 | 85800 | 99800 | 155900 | 161000 | 171200 | |
10 | 21600 | 22400 | 23500 | 26000 | 28400 | 30800 | 33300 | 38100 | 46200 | 58600 | 62200 | 73200 | 88400 | 102800 | 160600 | 165800 | 176300 | |
11 | 22200 | 23100 | 24200 | 26800 | 29300 | 31700 | 34300 | 39200 | 47600 | 60400 | 64100 | 75400 | 91100 | 105900 | 165400 | 170800 | 181600 | |
12 | 22900 | 23800 | 24900 | 27600 | 30200 | 32700 | 35300 | 40400 | 49000 | 62200 | 66000 | 77700 | 93800 | 109100 | 170400 | 175900 | 187000 | |
13 | 23600 | 24500 | 25600 | 28400 | 31100 | 33700 | 36400 | 41600 | 50500 | 64100 | 68000 | 80000 | 96600 | 112400 | 175500 | 181200 | 192600 | |
14 | 24300 | 25200 | 26400 | 29300 | 32000 | 34700 | 37500 | 42800 | 52000 | 66000 | 70000 | 82400 | 99500 | 115800 | 180800 | 186600 | 198400 | |
15 | 25000 | 26000 | 27200 | 30200 | 33000 | 35700 | 38600 | 44100 | 53600 | 68000 | 72100 | 84900 | 102500 | 119300 | 186200 | 192200 | 204400 | |
16 | 25800 | 26800 | 28000 | 31100 | 34000 | 36800 | 39800 | 45400 | 55200 | 70000 | 74300 | 87400 | 105600 | 122900 | 191800 | 198000 | 210500 | |
17 | 26600 | 27600 | 28800 | 32000 | 35000 | 37900 | 41000 | 46800 | 56900 | 72100 | 76500 | 90000 | 108800 | 126600 | 197600 | 203900 | 216800 | |
18 | 27400 | 28400 | 29700 | 33000 | 36100 | 39000 | 42200 | 48200 | 58600 | 74300 | 78800 | 92700 | 112100 | 130400 | 203500 | 210000 | ||
19 | 28200 | 29300 | 30600 | 34000 | 37200 | 40200 | 43500 | 49600 | 60400 | 76500 | 81200 | 95500 | 115500 | 134300 | 209600 | 216300 | ||
20 | 29000 | 30200 | 31500 | 35000 | 38300 | 41400 | 44800 | 51100 | 62200 | 78800 | 83600 | 98400 | 119000 | 138300 | 215900 | |||
21 | 29900 | 31100 | 32400 | 36100 | 39400 | 42600 | 46100 | 52600 | 64100 | 81200 | 86100 | 101400 | 122600 | 142400 | ||||
22 | 30800 | 32000 | 33400 | 37200 | 40600 | 43900 | 47500 | 54200 | 66000 | 83600 | 88700 | 104400 | 126300 | 146700 | ||||
23 | 31700 | 33000 | 34400 | 38300 | 41800 | 45200 | 48900 | 55800 | 68000 | 86100 | 91400 | 107500 | 130100 | 151100 | ||||
24 | 32700 | 34000 | 35400 | 39400 | 43100 | 46600 | 50400 | 57500 | 70000 | 88700 | 94100 | 110700 | 134000 | 155600 | ||||
25 | 33700 | 35000 | 36500 | 40600 | 44400 | 48000 | 51900 | 59200 | 72100 | 91400 | 96900 | 114000 | 138000 | 160300 | ||||
26 | 34700 | 36100 | 37600 | 41800 | 45700 | 49400 | 53500 | 61000 | 74300 | 94100 | 99800 | 117400 | 142100 | 165100 | ||||
27 | 35700 | 37200 | 38700 | 43100 | 47100 | 50900 | 55100 | 62800 | 76500 | 96900 | 102800 | 120900 | 146400 | 170100 | ||||
28 | 36800 | 38300 | 39900 | 44400 | 48500 | 52400 | 56800 | 64700 | 78800 | 99800 | 105900 | 124500 | 150800 | 175200 | ||||
29 | 37900 | 39400 | 41100 | 45700 | 50000 | 54000 | 58500 | 66600 | 81200 | 102800 | 109100 | 128200 | 155300 | 180500 | ||||
30 | 39000 | 40600 | 42300 | 47100 | 51500 | 55600 | 60300 | 68600 | 83600 | 105900 | 112400 | 132000 | 160000 | 185900 | ||||
31 | 40200 | 41800 | 43600 | 48500 | 53000 | 57300 | 62100 | 70700 | 86100 | 109100 | 115800 | 136000 | 164800 | 191500 | ||||
32 | 41400 | 43100 | 44900 | 50000 | 54600 | 59000 | 64000 | 72800 | 88700 | 112400 | 119300 | 140100 | 169700 | 197200 | ||||
33 | 42600 | 44400 | 46200 | 51500 | 56200 | 60800 | 65900 | 75000 | 91400 | 115800 | 122900 | 144300 | 174800 | 203100 | ||||
34 | 43900 | 45700 | 47600 | 53000 | 57900 | 62600 | 67900 | 17300 | 94100 | 119300 | 126600 | 148600 | 180000 | 209200 | ||||
35 | 45200 | 47100 | 49000 | 54600 | 59600 | 64500 | 69900 | 79600 | 96900 | 122900 | 130400 | 153100 | 185400 | |||||
36 | 46600 | 48500 | 50500 | 56200 | 61400 | 66400 | 72000 | 82000 | 99800 | 126600 | 134300 | 157700 | 191000 | |||||
31 | 48000 | 50000 | 52000 | 57900 | 63200 | 68400 | 74200 | 84500 | 102800 | 130400 | 138300 | 162400 | 196700 | |||||
38 | 49400 | 51500 | 53600 | 59600 | 65100 | 70500 | 76400 | 87000 | 105900 | 134300 | 142400 | 167300 | 202600 | |||||
39 | 50900 | 53000 | 55200 | 61400 | 67100 | 72600 | 78700 | 89600 | 109100 | 138300 | 146700 | 172300 | 208700 |
Visit Pay Scales letter at https://finance.odisha.gov.in/sites/default/files/2020-04/26342.pdf
Please note that these salary ranges mentioned above may differ from the original ones as the government of Odisha might increase the pay band due to the 5% hike in DA allowance.
Also read: HRMS Odisha Payslip
How do I check my Odisha government Pay Band?
You can check your Pay band for the government of Odisha job by checking your salary slip either from online or offline slip. It will have the pay band series which you can check and know what salary range it falls under.
Is the Pay Band or pay scale different for contractual employees?
No, the Pay band is only required for an employee to find their salary range position and it depends on the level and criteria or work importance of the employee that predicts their salary range but not their pay band.
Is the Pay Band different for Permanent employees?
Yes, pay band will increase in terms of permanent employees since their salary range and job importance or work importance is high.