Presenting the application form towards Movable property of Railway employee for the requirement giving INTIMATION / PRIOR SANCTION for noting under Rule 18 (3) / (A) of the RS (Conduct) Rules, 1966 towards transaction…
There are two types of application forms applicable to railway employee related to movable property as below, lets do check in detail and download the required form
In the Indian Railway, the employees are sometimes provided with lodging options with different amenities, and among these also includes lovable amenities that can be chairs, desks, electronic machinery that the railway department does not necessarily need, and that any of the employees can fill in this form in order so that they can make a transaction deal with the railway department.

At the same time, employees can also buy from the railway department directly or any of the market sources that sell them for a reasonable price.
The amount can be either reimbursed by the department or else if the translation is a self purchase then you can choose either from the provident fund, personal savings, bank loan, or loan from any other facility to initiate the translation, so just download the form Annexure IVA and the intimate the details to concerned.
Get Annexure-IV A for giving intimation on Movable Property
In the Indian Railway department all the aspects of transaction are carried out through sanctions so that the committee responsible for the product buying can ensure that the transaction made is in benefit of the organization.
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So if you are looking to buy a new product that can either be a car, scooter, motorcycle or refrigerator or any other then before you make the amends to purchase you need to get the sanction approved, and in that you can use this application form in order to get the necessary approvals needed.
At the same time, you need to use this form to mention the product information along with the mode of payment with regards to the anticipated purchase or sale date, So just get the form as mentioned and apply for sanction.
Download Annexure-IV B seeking Prior Sanction on Movable Property