Industrial Worker categoriezed into many groups | Check the types of Industrial workers available industry wise and profession wise…
Any individual who is part of a company or industry where effort made for production of goods & services termed as Industrial workers. The condition applied is that the worker should not be by any means in the management or in any position which does directly connect the individual with the board of the company.
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Thus any person who is under supervision of the management with their respective job profile is termed as Industrial workers. The work culture as manufacturer, cleaner, repairer or any such type of profile directly referred to as Industrial workers job.
This concept of workers applied all along the different companies which might even include the business profile and professional telecommunication industry.

What is Industrial Worker
In brief the Industrial workers are defined as workers who are prescribed by the rule of law, as in India the Indian LaborOrganization deals with verification and registration of workers.
The individual person is entitled with the label of Industrial workers, when they work for some particular hours and for their work done, the management does make their payment. The money transaction of an Industrial worker will be through their supervisor or management but they don’t hold any share in the profit of the company.
Industrial workers will only be entitled to do work even if the company does gain profit or loss in their industrial production. The management however has to make the payment of salaries to their workers, as their workers are only for work but not marked to share the profit.
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Industrial Worker Companies
Here is the list of some occupations which might help you understand about the job profile which an individual gets under the tag of Industrial workers. The
- Employee under PSU
- Engineer
- Auto Mechanic
- Beadier
- Bobbin Boy
- Feller
- Attendant in Filling Station Gas & petrol
- Foreman in industry
- Maintenance Engineering
- Mechanic for equipment’s
- Miller in Rice mill or other industry
- Mold Maker in molding factory
- Panel Beater and Pattern maker
- Plumber
- Welder
- Soapier
- Carpenter
- Car mechanic
- Washing boy
- Stationary engineer
- Construction worker
- Factory worker
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Industrial Workers in Profession
There was a strong miscommunication about how employees of a hardware or telecom industry referred to as Industrial workers. The meaning of an Industrial workers does clearly states that any employee or a worker, who doesn’t own a share in profit of the company will be termed as a worker.
The type of company not in particular frame, as just to have a professional statement. The telecom industry individual referred as the employee and whereas the employee in industry referred as Industrial workers.
The profile of an employee and worker is the same, they all come under the tagline of Industrial workers. Every worker of a firm, company or industry protected under the Employment Act which directly governed by the head of state.
No one in Government or firm authorized to overrule the laws made for protection of Industrial workers. As they work for their livelihood to gain some amount and feed their family.
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Industrial Worker Types
An individual is termed as a worker, for their work done for the company. Thus based on the work done, the Industrial workers types defined. Here are some clear descriptions to explore on this topic.
Causal Industrial workers
The individuals in this type only limited to work as a substation or in case of actual requirement. They will have a job in the company. But will only allowed to work when there is a requirement but not as a permanent worker.
Contract Industrial workers
in general, most companies does try to take a portion of employee on contract basic. This segregation seen in the telecom industry and company factories. The employees hired to work regularly but their work limited for that particular product and not permanent.
Seasonal Industrial workers
This type of work profile does include the workers who are provided jobs only during season. Tea Farming, Rice Grain Farming or other hardware workers are only produced during a particular season in the year. This the Industrial workers who employed for that particular season, referred as seasonal workers.
Management Industrial workers
A supervisor or a manager in a company or industry is also termed as the Industrial workers. They are provided their supervisor’s job to manage the worker and improve the production. Industrial workers will work on order form the actual management. They will not have shares in the company, rather get their particular salary at the end of month.
Are leased workers and Industrial workers similar?
The Industrial worker is an employee who given a job for a timeframe. The payment processed for them at end of month or at defined time. Whereas the leased worker termed to occupy for a particular time frame, for the work done by leased worker. The payment may paid in advance and they may entitled to work until the agreement expires.
Do Industrial workers governed by Law?
Every worker irrespective of their work profile and type of work registered under the employment act. Under this act, the Industrial workers who do work in industry, factories, firms or companies protected. They will provide proper guidelines for their working hours as per law.
Are farmers refer to as Industrial workers?
The farmer is a profession which they have attained with their production of grains. The grains produce by farming fully owned by a farmer, as sole producer of that particular time. Thus they are not termed as Industrial workers. As they don’t work under anyone’s supervision and they fully own the authorization on their farming products.