What is GSC Number in Nadakacheri

GSC number is Guarantee Service Citizen Number generated with 15 digit by GSC system of Karnataka Government. After the entry of service request submitted by citizen of Karnataka, the system will generate the GSC number through the system or respective department.

The system will generate a unique number for each service request entry. This number is available on the acknowledgment given to the citizen. With this number, Karnataka citizens can track or check the status of the request.

GSC Number in Nadakacheri
GSC Number in Nadakacheri

The following are the systems used by the respective department in Karnataka state

Department System Used by Department
Police Police IT System
Transport Vahan & Sarathi System
Revenue Bhoomi & RDS System for 20 services
Rural Development & Panchayat Raj (RDPR) Panchatantra System
Commercial Tax VAT e-Filing System
Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Affairs
Ahara System

With this above info, now you may know GSC number means and what is the use, and now you may check the status at sakala portal using the link to know the status of GSC number at sakala.kar.nic.in/Online_Appeal/Online/Appeal-I.aspx

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