Railway PF Final Withdrawal Form (House Building/ Purchases)

Here is the new Final withdrawal application form required for Railway employee who wishes to withdraw the accumulated funds from Railway employee PF account on account of House Building construction or Purchase…

Every employee of Railway department, sometime in their life seeks to own their own house or build their current property and in order to pursue this, you can make use of this application form, and through this form, any of the Indian Railway employees who have saved up money in their Provident Fund account can write to the PF authorities at the Railway department to release the withdrawal claim money for the purpose of construction to build a house or else to purchase a house as well.

PF Final Withdrawal Form
PF Final Withdrawal Form

Also read: रेस रेलवे लॉगिन

In this application form, the Railway employee (applicant) will have to mention the amount to be withdrawn and the estimated cost for the acquisition or building, and the complete service details from appointment to Retirement as per the record.

Prescribed Final Withdrawal Form

In the prescribed PF Final Withdrawal Form or application to the authorities, the employee should sign for all terms and conditions of the Railway Department, and before submission of the application, all the necessary deeds and papers of mortgaged premises if any required in respect of the property under consideration will procure and should complete.

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