Delhi Traffic Police Challan Check & Payment with SMS Alerts

Find Delhi Traffic Police Challan pending for violation and to payment. Check SMS formats to know Pending challan and Traffic alerts on SMS…

Police Challan is an important e-receipt that will issue to wrong doors on the road. Any individual who involves in traffic violation will provide with a Traffic Police eChallan that lets him warn for violating the traffic rules.

There is strict rules created for every individual who is driving the vehicle, to make sure that road safety measures attained. Having followed the strict rules of Delhi Traffic Police, it will ensure to reduce the number of road accidents.

There are lots of rules and considerations that will check by the traffic police before issuing a challan. Any violation of rule that leads to damage to road safety measure considered to generate Traffic Police Challan.

Delhi Traffic Police Challan

If you are a resident of Delhi State, then the traffic challan issued on your vehicle will be available on the official website of Delhi Traffic Police Challan. Here are steps that you can follow and get to know about your challan issues. Let’s check in detail.

Delhi Traffic Police Challan Check and Payment

Want to clear your eChallan issued by Delhi Traffic police, then you can follow the below listed steps provided here.

  1. Open Delhi Tariff Police web portal at
  2. Go to Pending Challan / Notice under Top Menu
  3. Enter Vehicle Number and Search Details
  4. Verify the Details, Amount, and then Tap on Make Payment
  5. Select Payment Mode and Complete the Payment

How to get NOC from Delhi Police

The Delhi Traffic Police does bring an option of NOC to the driver who is driving the vehicle regularly on the road. This way, they will have an NOC document in hand that will save them during the traffic police check.

  1. Go to the Delhi Traffic Police Challan official website at
  2. Click on Pending challan and select NOC type
  3. Driving License NOC for vehicle NOC as required
  4. In the new page, provide your details and click on Show details
  5. If you have no pending dues, then your NOC available
  6. That’s it, this NOC for your respective vehicle number or driving license generated. This may further used during any police check and save your time during the trip.

Delhi Traffic Police SMS Services

Service TypeSend SMS Format to 166Output came to Mobile as
24/7 Traffic Helpline or Customer Care01125844444 or 1095
Get Pending challan on SMS (Send to 166)DL N N <Registration Number>Notice pending at Branch.
Notices pending in Court
Ownership details to (Will get for Police Only)DLNW <Alfa numeric Registration Number> <Numeric Registration Number>Complete details like Vehicle Regn. Number, Owner, Address, Maker Model, Engine Number, Chasis Number and other
Traffic Alerts on SMSRegistration = DL N S DTP <Name>
Unsubscribe = DL N S REM

What to do if traffic police stop a vehicle for a traffic violation?

As the Delhi Traffic Police, if vehicle stopped by traffic due to any kind of traffic rule violation. Then they must pay the amount of challan issued on the spot or in case they must surrender their original License Or vehicle documents to the respective police officer. These are only two ways that a vehicle driver must choose while caught for violation.

Is NOC mandatory for commercial vehicles?

Delhi Traffic Police has made it mandatory to have an NOC with the commercial vehicles to ensure that every vehicle travelling on road with commercial goods is safe. These ensure that commercial vehicles do follow the traffic rules and safeguard the roads.

How to get a parking sticker for a physically Challenged Vehicle?

If physically challenged person, then Delhi Traffic Police brings some exemption from actual traffic rules. An application must submit to traffic help desk along with your disability certificate, the respective officer will verify and provide you with a parking sticker.

Does Delhi Traffic Police Challan have a timeline for payment?

The Traffic Police Challan issued by Delhi police has a timeline of 15 days to make the payments. The payment must clear in 15 days and delay in payment will get your name in the pending list. These will let the individual defaulter to be on the blacklist of traffic police during the regular checks.

How to avoid Delhi Traffic Police Challan?

The very simple way to avoid the Delhi Traffic Police Challan is by following the rules. For the convenience of citizens of Delhi state, the official website of Traffic Police updated with all details and safety measures with documents to allow individuals to learn about avoiding the challan.

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