Here is the new salary structure of BPSL company for Engineer and Manager cadre along with skilled workforce, Check different pay bands as per the new cadre for working employee under Engineering, Management and other workmen…
Bhushan Power & Steel is an integrated 3.5 Million TPA steel making company having a turnover of more than 11k Crores, and it produces Flat and Long podcasts with its plants in Chandigarh, Derabassi, Kolkata and Odisha, and beside this it has got 35 sales offices around different parts of India.
The latest plant is being in Orissa and thus there is a full need of Skilled employees and officers for Bhushan Power & Steel, and BPSL has an option for newcomers who want to join in different segregated work profiles, and the salaries of Bhushan Power & Steel employees are of good range as the risk and importance of job profiles matters.

BPSL Salary Structure
We have gathered some information about the basic salary of Bhushan Power & Steel employees as on March 2020, Have a look at these options and you will come across the BPSL salary given to respective positions
- Electrical Engineer Salary starts from ₹143k to ₹818K per annum
- Mechanical Engineer basic salary is ₹105k to ₹666k per annum
- Executive Assistant Salary starts with ₹148k to ₹582k per annum
- Administrative Office Manager have basic salary from ₹265 to ₹1m
- Purchasing Manager salary ranges from ₹411 to ₹2m
- Project Engineer get a salary of ₹137k to ₹420k
- Power Engineer gets a salary of ₹297k to ₹963k
- Data Entry Operator have ₹11k to ₹454k Salary range
- Electrical Automation engineer ranges from ₹110k to ₹459k
How to Join Bhushan Power & Steel?
Any candidate who is willing to join Bhushan Power & Steel can follow below steps to apply for the current opening, and make sure you have all your personal and education details with you while applying for BSPL.
- Open your browser and search for in URL bar
- click on Join Us shown in below beside Contact Us option
- Form right hand side click on “Submit resume” to open
- You can see “Application Form” to download from this page
- Fill the application form as per your details and eligibility
- Send the filled in form to official email of BSPL
- Application will be checked by the HR department of Bhushan Steel & Power and they will respond to you as per your eligibility to meet the current job opening.
Under Who Bhushan Power & Steel Works?
Sanjay Singla is currently Managing Director and Chairman of Bhushan Power & Steel which was founded in 1970 and heading it headquarter in New Delhi, India.
How soon can I get a reply for the submitted Application?
The application form submitted by any individual by filling all details, will be checked by the concerned HR department, and as per the vacancy available, the reply will be posted within a week or two over mail. Email response might be delayed if there is no post available as per your details provided
Is Bhushan Power & Steel a Government Origination?
No, Bhushan Power & Steel is a private limited company which has been serving Indian countries since 1970, and the employees working under BPSL are termed as private employees and their salaries are given under the rules of Bhushan Power & Steel.