Paycor Paystub for Employee Earnings

If you’re using Paycor paystub services under for payroll management, you’ll need to know how to access your paystubs and other. In this article, we will guide you through the process of obtaining your Paycor paystubs, step by step. Paystubs are essential documents that provide employees with detailed information about their earnings and deductions. They ...


Railway Child Care Leave Application for Women Employee

Sanction of Child Care Leave application form is enclosed for ready reference to submit to Railway authority for early sanction of leave to take of a minor child… Indian Railways does provide a fair opportunity to its employees to manage their personal life, where the life of an Indian Railways employee is crucial, as they ...


Oriental Insurance Eclaim Form – Fill Application Digitally

Download Eclaim form Part A and Part B online and fill oriental health insurance claim digitally, Print the duly filled claim application and submit with all necessary requirements… We all know that Oriental Insurance is one of the leading Insurance companies and if you are a part of their Insurance policy then you might want ...


Stockbroker Meaning for Full Service & Discount Broker

Stockbroker is a middle man between the stock exchange and an individual. As investors cannot directly buy or exchange the stocks from the market, as they have to done through Stockbrokers. A proper trading account has to open through a Broker and get a valid Platform to sell or buy the shares. These processes will ...


What is Pension Contribution in EPF

Detailed Information on What is Pension contribution in EPF and how it applies and works to EPFO account holders with % of pension and eligibility… Employee Provident Fund is the future savings account applied to every employee by EPFO. Since 2014 the Employee pension scheme added to EPF, which allows the employee to receive a ...


FASTag – Buy & Recharge Fastag Online

Buy Fastag Online and Pay National Highway toll charges without cash. Fastag Recharge now available online with 22+ banks and UPI payment gateway.. Indian Government has taken an initiative to get the FASTag which implements on transportation. This makes the movement of vehicles easy through modern technology. What is Fastag FASTag is an Radio Frequency ...


Shadi Anudan: UP विवाह हेतु अनुदान योजना

Complete details of Shadi Anudan scheme is available now. Check how to check Sadi Anudan yojana status. गलत तरीके से दर्ज की गई शादी अनुदान योजना आवेदन डेटा को कैसे संपादित करें… The Uttar Pradesh State Government has brought a scheme for girl marriage by providing them some financial assistance. Each eligible family whose daughter ...


PF Account Merge from One UAN to another UAN

The new process for PF account merge is identified and presented, check how to merge two pf accounts and transfer online or offline if having two UAN linked with two EPF accounts… Employee Provident Fund Office does have a rule for having one unique UAN number for every individual, so in case if you’re bearing ...