Land Record


Punjab Land Record for Jamabandi, Mutation, Cadastral Map, Nakal Verification

Complete process to know your Punjab land record by accessing Janmabandi Record through Owner name wise, Khewat number wise, Khasra number, Khatouni number followed by guide to check mutation status, Cadastral Map and Nakal Verification. In this era of technology, almost everything is at our fingertips. Thanks, to this digitalization, accessing the Punjab land records ...


Download Mutation of Property in Delhi

If you are a Delhi resident or Property owner, then you may know how to check property ownership online in Delhi with download mutation of property in Delhi in online with NDMC certificate for your asset under Muncipal Corporation… Mutation of Property in Delhi is important, once you have bought a new property in Delhi, ...


MR Copy Download from Karnataka Bhoomi Portal

Buy a new property and confusing to change ownership title, then get it by MR copy from Karnataka Bhoomi portal. Just check the simple guide to get MR copy from Bhoomi portal… The Mutation is an official process of changing the ownership title of property to the name of purchase from the past owner. This ...


How to Check Jamabandi Registered Deeds in Haryana

Haryana State government does bring Jamabandi registered deeds for their citizens to check the details of their property. Also the information such as Haryana encumbrance certificate and other revenue office relation options updated in Jamabandi Haryana portal. This portal revised for every 5 years by the revenue officers and patwari with the updated records of ...


Bhoomi RTC Mutation Status at

Anyone who has bought the property in Karnataka must have to apply for mutation and check for Bhoomi RTC Mutation status online, such that their name will be added in every service that is provided by the local municipality. In past days these entire processes of mutation were taken through manual work but with implementation ...


How to Search Record of Rights, Karnataka Tenancy and Crops RTC Form No 16

 The Karnataka RTC does bring a quick way of extracting the details of landforms online. The Bhoomi RTC which is a project of the Karnataka state government does upload data from every revenue office in the state. This site does hold updated information of lands in the state either commercial or domestic or agricultural. Karnataka ...


Bhoomi Helpdesk for Karnataka Landrecords Portal

Avail services of revenue department of Karnataka state from anywhere at anytime through Bhoomi Helpdesk. Just check about Bhoomi online portal, helpdesk details to know any information or to report a grievance… Karnataka Bhoomi is an official portal from the revenue department of Karnataka state. This portal is under the administration of the revenue department ...


How to Search Karnataka Bhoomi Dispute Case Reports

The Karnataka government initiates the Bhoomi RTC online portal, a well known as a service provided to its citizens as it provides all land record information. The Bhoomi portal widely used in order to check for mutation records or land record deeds to transfer land records from one person to another. But they also provide ...


AnyRoR for Gujarat Property Details Anywhere

AnyRoR services now available online at your fingerprints to check land record and property details, Login to Any RoR Gujarat portal and check the services… Gujarat state government brings AnyROR official website for the citizens of Gujarat State to check their Land records online, where the Revenue Department of Gujarat state has launched the official ...


Land Conversion Status in 3 Online Steps for Karnataka

Simple process to check land conversion status in Karnataka with new online steps, Just find 3 simple steps to check DC conversion status online… Karnataka, a wide spread with agricultural lands across its geography, and if you already own agricultural land which submit for a land conversion request to convert to nonagricultural lands. Most of ...