IceGate tracking now available online | Find Customs IceGate bill of entry tracking with a new process for total shipping bill tracking…
The Central board of excise and customs IceGate bill of entry tracking provides its users with different types of bills based on the submission. It varies from users who are filling their export and import customs to someone who is applying to update their product through shipping.
On the other hand, each import or export you do has different means of transport which generate a different bill and has a different process of IceGate tracking as well.
In this article, we will be taking you over the different methods. Just follow in order to learn more about your bill Icegate shipping bill tracking status.

IceGate Tracking
It is important for a business owner to know where their bill status is through the Indian customs portal. With this, they can understand their product flow through exports and imports. Since there are different forms of importing or exporting goods, you can follow the methods to track your IceGate bill quickly.
Tracking bill of entry at IECS
You can track your bill at Import – Export Customs through the below method.
- Open the IceGate bill inquiry official page at
- Click on the Bill of Entry option from the left sidebar and it will open a prompt
- Select location, bill number, entry date
- Enter captcha code from the image
- Click on the submit button and track the status of your bill.
Shipping Bill tracking at ICES
You can track your shipping bill number through the steps below.
- Open the Shipping bill tracking at
- Fill in the required details such as location, number, date and captcha
- Click on the submit option and now you can view the tracking status of your shipping bill.
IceGate Customs Transit Declaration Tracking
Customs transit declaration means the customs document and tax to pay when goods being transported from a foreign place. Since it has IGST linked to it. Then you will receive an acknowledgement number to check the status of it through the steps below.
- Open the Customs transit declaration status page at
- Select your location
- Enter the CTD number, Enter CTD type, Enter the CTD date
- Provide captcha image
- Click on the submit button and the page will show your tracking status.
What is the ICEGate shipping bill?
IceGate shipping bill is the bill generates when a business owner wants to either import or export a good and based on their shipping location the charges may vary for payment.
Can I make an ICEGate e-Payment online?
You can make an ICEGate e-payment form online by going to the homepage and then click on the IceGate ePayment option. Then login with your account details there. Enter your customs document details and the amount to pay and complete the ePayment online.
What is SEA IGM Tracking?
You can check your SEA IGM tracking by going to IceGate official homepage and then click on Tracking at ICES option and under this select SEA IGM option. Then you need to enter the required details such as location, number, entry date, captcha code and then click on submit button to get your tracking details.
How to check ICE wise shipping bill tracking?
If you want to check shipping bill tracking by ICE wise then you need to visit the IceGate enquiry page and from the left sidebar, you can select the type of tracking you want to use.
How to track IceGate AIR IGM?
In case if you are transporting or exporting the goods through AIR IGM then you can go to the IceGate enquiry page and from the left click on the AIR IGM option. Under this, you will have to enter the required details such as the location, AIR IGM number, entry date and the captcha as shown in the image. Click on Submit button you can get access to the tracking of the AIR IGM bill.
What is Enquiry IceGate?
IceGate is a full-on portal to provide you with all solutions for the export and imports of goods through the exercise and customs department. Inquiry IceGate page at has been set up which will be fully informative enough to provide further information on your bill tracking and answers questions on how the public want to enquire about ICEGate or their bills.