Business Letter Format With Examples

When to use a Business Letter

When it comes to formal business communication, the most appropriate way to convey the message is through a business letter. In various situations in the workplace, it is crucial to send a formal letter to ensure clear communication. Here are some common examples

1. Formal Correspondence – To effectively communicate with vendors, business associates, and other professionals, it’s imperative to use a formal business letter. This type of communication not only conveys professionalism but also establishes a sense of credibility and reliability.

2. Business proposals – Whenever one wants to present a business proposal, one has to use a formal business letter only. This is the best way to express your idea, expectations, plans, etc.

3. Contractual Matters – Legal matters always need formal communication. From drafting contracts, sending official notices, signing agreements, etc. all need formal business proposals to be made.

4. Job Applications – As you already be knowing that while sending any job application you need to send a cover letter as well. A cover letter is just a formal introduction of the self that highlights your qualification and expresses an interest in the job from your side.

5. Thankyou notes – Thankyou notes seem informal, but they are not. Whether you are sending appreciation mail to the client or expressing gratitude to your colleagues or business partners, formal business letters are a must.

6. Complaints and Disputes – For raising any type of complaint, you need to send a formal letter. In case a dispute arises between two companies, you must find a formal way to communicate it. A formal business letter is the safest option in this case.

7. Resignation – Resigning from a company is always something serious in nature. Before leaving the job, you need to send a formal resignation letter to your employer. It must include the intention behind your resignation. You can provide additional information, if you wish to with the formal resignation letter.

Business Letter Format
Business Letter Format

Things to Remember While Writing a Formal Business Letter or Essential Elements to Include in a Business Letter

A formal business letter must be drafted with utmost care. The following things must be taken care of while writing a formal business letter

  1. The language must be formally accepted.
  2. Proper formatting of the text must be done.
  3. Proper tone of writing must be maintained.
  4. It must include your contact information,
  5. Name of recipient
  6. Address of the recipient,
  7. Date on which it was drafted
  8. Formal salutation
  9. An appropriate closing
  10. Clear message
  11. Proper grammatical structure of the language used.

How to Format a Business Letter

There are specific guidelines attached to editing or formatting a formal business letter. While formatting any business letter just keep in mind that it should be visually appealing and well-structured. Here, I am enlisting just a few business rules.

1. Margins – Leaving one–inch margins on all sides of the page is compulsory. This creates an appealing and balanced layout.

2. Single Spacing – Within paragraphs, you must either use single spacing or double spacing. Different sections of the paragraphs are then highlighted clearly.

3. Indentation – Each paragraph must be indented half an inch or one inch at the first line. This is done to improve the readability. It looks professional as well.

4. Body of the letter – The body of the letter must contain various paragraphs. Make sure to use different paragraphs for different ideas or concepts.

5. Recipient’s information – The recipient’s information is provided below the date. The recipient’s information must contain the following –

  • Full name
  • Job Title
  • Address
  • Company Name
  • Contact details such as mobile number, email, etc.

6. Date – The date is included below the contact information. Write a date like ‘June 31, 2022’.

7. Font and Font Size –Calibrin, Times New Roman, etc. are some of the formal fonts used to write any formal letter. The print size of the font should also be between 10 and 12.

8. Alignment – Left alignment or block format is only used in formal business letters.

9. Letterhead – On the top of the page, placing a pre-designed letterhead of the company is highly suggested. As most of us know, a letterhead includes the logo of the company, its name and address, and contact information as well. In case, letterhead is not available, just add the contact information.

10. Salutations – At the end of the formal letter, use the correct salutations like ‘Sincerely’, ‘Your’sfaithful’ or ‘Best Regards’ etc.

11.  CC and enclosures – Do not forget to attach the document mentioned in the letter (if any). If you are sending the same copy to multiple people, add carbon copies (CC) at the end of the letter.

12. Proofread – When all the formatting details are taken care of, just reread the document for proofreading. Check if the formal business letter is concise and professional or not.

Business Letter Example

Example of a Business Letter for Job Application

  • [Your Name]
  • [Your Address]
  • [City, State, ZIP Code]
  • [Email Address]
  • [Phone Number]
  • [Date]
  • [Recipient’s Name]
  • [Recipient’s Job Title]
  • [Company Name]
  • [Company Address]
  • [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name],

I am writing to apply for the position of [Job Title] at [Company Name], as advertised on [Source of Job Advertisement]. I have [number of years] of experience in [relevant field], and I am confident that my skills and qualifications make me an ideal candidate for this role.

In my previous role as [Previous Job Title] at [Previous Company], I successfully [highlight relevant achievements or responsibilities]. Additionally, I possess strong [mention key skills or attributes relevant to the job].

I have attached my resume for your review. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications align with the requirements of the position further. Thank you for considering my application.


  • [Your Full Name]
  • [Your Job Title]
  • [Company Name]
  • [Email Address]
  • [Phone Number]

Example of a Business Letter for Complaint

  • [Your Name]
  • [Your Address]
  • [City, State, ZIP Code]
  • [Email Address]
  • [Phone Number]
  • [Date]
  • [Recipient’s Name]
  • [Recipient’s Job Title]
  • [Company Name]
  • [Company Address]
  • [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name],

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction regarding [describe the issue or problem]. On [date], I [provide details of the incident, including any relevant information such as order number or transaction ID].

I have been a loyal customer of [Company Name] for [duration] and have always appreciated the quality of your products/services. However, the recent experience I had has left me extremely disappointed.

I kindly request that you investigate this matter and take appropriate action to rectify the situation. I trust that [Company Name] values its customers and strives to maintain high customer satisfaction.

I look forward to a prompt response and a satisfactory resolution to this issue.

Yours faithfully,

  • [Your Full Name]
  • [Your Customer Account Number, if applicable]
  • [Email Address]
  • [Phone Number]

How to Write a Business Letter

As discussed, every formal business letter is written as per some specific guidelines. In the same way, a business letter is also written keeping in mind certain important points. I am enlisting them in the order of their writing –

1. Subject line – A subject line is a must as it clearly stated the purpose for which the email is sent.

2. Salutation – As the letter is formal, one needs to use formal salutations like ‘Dear Sir/Madam’, Dear Mr./Ms. (last name), ‘Respected Sir/Madam’ etc.

3. Introduction- The introduction needs to be professional. Directly state you purpose in a concise way. If you already has a previous related correspondence, mention it also.

4. Body – Here, you need to provide the detailed information about the purpose for which you are writing the letter. You can use well thought-out paragraphs and bullet points to express your information effectively.

5. Ending salutations – The letter should end on the polite note. ‘Sincerely’, ‘Thankyou’ ‘Your’s faithfully’ are some of the common end notes used.

6. Attachments – If a document, picture, video, etc. needs to be attached, make sure to attach it before sending the business letter.

7. End Signature – As you are writing a professional and formal business letter, a profession signature block must be added. It must contain your full name, name of the company, title of the job and your contact information like mobile number, email id, blog or website address, etc.

8. Proofread, review and send – It is the final point to proofread the document for any spelling or formatting mistake. Check the added attachments and then send it.

Note – When drafting a letter, it’s crucial to maintain a formal tone and avoid using technical jargon. Make sure to clearly state your expectations in the body of the letter, expressing yourself truthfully, politely, and with confidence. This approach is key to achieving your desired outcome.

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