AP PRC Calculator
07.01.2022: PRC News: As per the sources, Govt of AP announced 11th PRC to employees with 23.29% fitment effective from April 2020, and the salaries revised from 1st January 2022.
Here is the new calculator to check your new basic pay of 2021 PRC for AP teachers & employees, Just enter your present basic pay, Get defined result of new Basic Pay as per PRC resulting in drawing the financial emoluments of employee salary…
13.12.2021: AP 11 PRC Report 2021 of Committee of Secretaries headed by Chief Secretary submitted to Government with 7 types of Scenarios or recommendations for revised pay scales from 01.07.2018 for all Government employees, Whereas the PTD (erstwhile APSRTC) employees may get from 01.01.2020.
13.10.2021: In a meeting with Employee unions, Shri Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy, the Advisor to the AP Government (Public Affairs), has informed that, the new PRC may implement at this month end.
05.10.2020: PRC committee submitted the report to the AP Government on 05.10.2020, and CM may soon conduct a meeting with standing unions and expecting a new announcement on PRC before DASARA.
Andhra Pradesh teachers Pay revision commission (PRC) 2021 is well known as AP Teachers / Government employees PRC which releases GPF and CPS arrears across Andhra Pradesh. The Goal of the commission is to go over the current Pay and salaries of a teacher/employee to increment those to a higher one, and the commission sits across the table to discuss the revision of pay scales which in result for teachers at different scales and levels of pay allotment.
Andhra Pradesh Government decided that it is necessary to help and increment the salaries of every teacher as years go by, thus in 2008 year the commission established. Since 2008 the Government makes sure the revision of the pay scale done properly with the prominent PRC body in charge of it.

Understanding the revision of pay scales as per new PRC is not the same for every teacher because some are not in the same scale, and there are various scales (basic Pay) when it comes to education, at the same time the same commission revises the pay scale of university teachers as well, So here we present a new 2020 calculator mentioned to check the result of new basic pay allotted to every AP Government teachers/employee as per the entry of their old Basic Pay.
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Important Information for AP PRC
In every years AP teachers PRC, you will find an increment in your basic salary and more special pays. But there is more information like the basic pay, pf, gf which is also released for teachers and services.
- Basic Pay and Salary : The basic pay if the normal salary without any benefits or special allowances.
- Increment Month : In this section you will find out by what month you will receive the increment in the basic pay and how much it will show in your salary.
- Treasury ID : Note that if you want to check the PRC Arrears and increment in your salary you will have to use the 7 digital ID treasury. Moreover, you will also be able to download the PRC Arrears for 2020 in PDF format.
AP Employee PRC 11th – 11th Andhra Pradesh Teachers PRC
In the year 2020, the Andhra Pradesh government has now released the information related to the AP Teachers 11th PRC which will release new arrears in the pay scale. The goal of the committee this year has been mentioned below for better understanding.
- Improvement of Pay Scales
- As always, the important criteria are to make sure there is revision of pay scales for all teachers across Andhra Pradesh. It means that even in 2020 there will be increment in the salaries of regular to experienced teachers in schools and universities.
- Special Pay and allowances
- Special pay refers to the increment and payment made to teachers who are not physically well, not capable of best of health but still tries to teach. At the same time teacher get special pay during leaves, holidays and festive season through this increment.
- The next one is allowance which is called an additional bonus which is given to teachers for travel, food and other basic necessities to provide the best education to student.
- Other Conditions of Services
- Teachers who cannot travel or need some sort of reimbursement for medical, health, leaves or food can use this service for seeking reimbursements.
All the increment and arrears in the AP teachers PRC is made by following the commission’s meeting notes and depending on that the increments are made to salaries of all teachers. You will be able to find all this information from their official website from here. Most importantly to make sure all teachers receive correct arrears, increment in salary with special benefits the secretary of the Pay revision commission of Andhra Pradesh takes the finale decision on it.
Please update the calculator with empty fiels for all like basic, fitment, hra and cps and all.
How to calculate for an employee retired in july 2019 and became pensioner.
Iam out sourcing job holder at APEWIDC DEPATMENT actually I got the 23000 salary per month now prc is increase how much salary I got now in position
Please describe about APS RTC (APPTD) employees PRC How much benefits, we will get.