AP Government employee can download GPF Slips online, Just check about how to print the slip from agaeapts.gov.in and what are the requirements to download the GPF slip, Also the employee can check about interest rate credit and what to do if forgotten GPF account number…
The General Provident Fund is directed under the department of Principal Accountant General, and the individual GPF account of government employees of AP state government is fully managed by the Principal Accountant General department, and they work under the rules of GPF AP 1935 and AIS PF 1955 respectively.
The General Provident Fund came into effect on 1st April 1935 giving an extra benefit saving for Government Employees, and an employee who is termed under Permanent AP State government rules is eligible to contribute for GPF and their funds get saved till the maturity period and can check every year in the form of GPF slip, where this amount can be withdrawn at the time of retirement as a lump-sum saving after retirement plans.
Eligibility of GPF
- Before checking the General Provident Fund Slip, it is important to check who is eligible to avail this feature and get the benefits added.
- Any Government Servants who were appointed on or before 31.04.2004 under Rule 10AI
- Pensioners and Government Servants who has completed their one-year service are eligible.

How to Apply for General Provident Fund in AP
Here is the process that you need to follow to get benefits of GPF and get its extra additional government feature added into your Salary account.
- An employee needs to fill a form for GPF while joining the organization
- Name as per Government ID proof and permanent address to be mentioned
- Details provided should be active along with Active Bank Account Details
- Nomination form to be filled by referring a name from employee family
Once the GPF form is accepted with the details provided by the respective department, the deduction of the minimal amount calculated from your basic will start.
As you have an active participation for Andhra Pradesh General Provident Fund through your employee account, and you can check your savings in the form of AP GPF slip using the Principal Accountant General A & E department official website portal.
How to Download or View AP GPF Slip in Online
- Visit the official website of Principal Accountant General using this URL agaeapts.gov.in
- Now click on Our Service option
- Select Download form the drop down
- Here select Andhra Pradesh GPF Slip and you will be taken to new page
- In Download GPF slip page, enter your GPF account Number
- Select the financial year of which you want to view the transaction savings
- In Office select your department from dropdown, enter your mobile number
- Click on “Validate & Sent OTP” to receive OTP to your mobile number
- Enter the OTP in next column followed by Captcha code shown on screen
- Click on Download GPF button and wait for your credentials to be verified
- Once done, a new page will be loaded by giving a clear list of the amount collected from your General Provident Fund associated with your account.
What to do if forgot my AP General Provident Fund Account Number?
Have you forgotten your AP GPF Account number, then you make a visit to your Department Office and Get the detailed information of your GPF account from the Accounts department.
Can I Update my AP General Provident Fund Details?
Send an email to pagaeap.gpf@gmail.com the official email address AP GPF team with all your necessary details and fields to get updated, where team will verify your details and accordingly the new Mobile number or any as provided.
What is the Current Interest rate for Andhra Pradesh GPF?
The AP Government has kept an interest rate of 7.9% for GPF, which will be applicable on the amount collected by employees through deduction from salary, and the rate of interest will be applicable once a year shown in GPF slip, and any new changes will take effect with the start of the financial year date.
Annual GPF Slip 2019-2020.
ag ap gpf slip 2020-2021 gpfno16817wel
my name is Munnangi Lakshmaiah, Superintendent, in the O/O Deputy Director, Social Welfare, Ongole, present my cell No.9885525980, previous cell is not used by me. The GPF web site asking my previous cell No. How can I get GPF statement. Kindly rectified my problem and send GPF statement for the year 2020-21
My GPF statement did not downloading.
Good afternoon sir,Gpf.a/c.249xx wel Statement 2020-2021.need.
Good evening sir ,Pls change my cell no is 7382xx606, instead of 9603xx66 Present My cell No is 738xx06. In the GPF Account
my name is Danda srinivasarao, assisatnt sub inspectar police department Prakasam district, Ongole, present my cell No.903xx89, previous cell is not used by me. The GPF web site asking my previous cell No. How can I get GPF statement. Kindly rectified my problem and send GPF statement for the year 2020-21
Annual GPF slip does not download -2021-22 Md Harun Al Rashid BEEO Laokhowa Bhagamukh M E School A/T