In India, Lead price is calculated in Kg because it is a mineral wealth material which is predominantly mined across the world and India as well. While, the lead price history in India has been growing year on year as per the Lead price chart.
If you want to invest in Lead or any company which mines Lead as a mineral then you will need to consider looking at the Lead price in detail that will allow you to make your investment decision precisely.

Date | Price in Rs Per KG (1000 Grams) |
19.04.2024 | 193 |
30-01-2024 | 183 |
17-01-2024 | 184 |
11.12.2023 | 184 |
27.11.2023 | 189 |
21.11.2023 | 192 |
10 Oct 2023 | 188 |
02 Oct 2023 | 189 |
26.09.2023 | 187 |
13 Sep 2023 | 188 |
04.09.2023 | 188 |
28.08.2023 | 186 |
20.08.2023 | 186 |
14.08.2023 | 184 |
06 Aug 23 | 185 |
30 July 2023 | 186 |
23.07.2023 | 186 |
18.07.2023 | 186 |
10.07.2023 | 185 |
03.07.2023 | 183 |
25.06.2023 | 184 |
19.06.2023 | 186 |
12.06.2023 | 186 |
09 June 23 | 185 |
05 June 2023 | 184 |
30.05.23 | 186 |
07.05.2023 | 185 |
01.05.2023 | 186 |
23.04.2023 | 184 |
16.04.2023 | 187 |
05.04.2023 | 182 |
01.04.2023 | 183 |
27.03.2023 | 181 |
Also Check: Gold Price History Upto 2024 (Check Every Day Update)