Update LIC Policy Contact Details Online at licindia.in

It’s time to update Life Insurance policy contact details online with your new mobile number and other contact details through LIC online service portal without any kind of registration for licindia.in, just check how to change the policy contact details in online…

LIC Contact Details Online Update

Life Insurance Investment company, LIC India introduced online updation of contact details for the convenience of every policyholder through LIC Online Service Portal at free of cost to update Personal Mobile number, and eMail ID for all subscribed insurance policies.

In earlier, this facility is available only at the branch within India, so to keep the contact details up to the date of insurance policy which is very important to receive the important notifications/alerts from LIC of India, the organization allowed their customers to update the contact details online.

Update LIC Policy Contact Details Online for New Mobile Number and eMail Address

Which remainders of LIC will receive on our contact details

The updated mobile number and email address of LIC policyholder will get the reminders and notifications through SMS and email for the following services

  • Premium Due Reminder
  • Survival Benefits
  • Maturity of Insurance Policy
  • Policy Status
  • Lapsed Insurance
  • Dispatch details of LIC policy bond
  • Accrued Bonus of LIC policy
  • LIC Loan Interests
  • Premium Payment and more related to above 50+ type of services from LIC India.

Here is the predefined step by step process of LIC online self service portal must have to follow by every policyholder to update their policy contact mobile number and Email id details to receive the SMS alerts and important notifications, so, just have a look

How to Update Mobile Number and Email of LIC Policy

  1. Open your browser and login to licindia.in
  2. Hover to Customer Services and Click on Update Your Contact Details
  3. your are redirected to LIC online service portal link https://customer.onlinelic.in/LICEPS/portlets/visitor/updateContact/UpdateContactController.jpf allowing to enter the contact details.
  4. Fill the red star marked details like Full name (appear like in LIC Policy bond), Date of Birth, latest Mobile Number and Email Id
  5. Choose number of policies (No of life insurance policies which you want to update the contact details upto a maximum of 10)
  6. Accept the declaration
  7. Click Submit
  8. A new page will appear with your entered details (if any found wrong, please click Start Again)
  9. Enter your LIC Policy numbers in the allowed boxes named with serial number
  10. Click Validate Policy Details (If fetched details found correct, then it allows to next page or shows an error as RECORD NOT Found, try again)
  11. A new page will appear with all your LIC Policy numbers and Request Status
  12. Click Send Request
  13. The final page (Request Status) appears with a message as Data Entry Successful, by giving a Request Number and Request Date.
  14. Then immediately the request will send to the LIC policy serving branch, where an executive of LIC branch will call you on your new mobile number for confirmation in part of verification process for new contact details, and once confirmed, the same will be updated in all the Life Insurance Policies of you for any kind of future communication.
LIC Contact Details Change Process in Online
  1. Which details can update in online for our LIC policy ?
    • Any customer of LIC India who have successfully subscribed for Life Insurance policy services can update the Latest Personal Mobile Number and eMail address through LIC online service portal by registering an online request, and also a customer can update the contact details for all different kind of LIC policies at a time upto a maximum of 10 insurance policies.
  2. How to solve the error in updating contact details of LIC policy online?
    • In some cases, the following error (record not found, please try) will occurs on your browser at the time when the system fetch the details of LIC policies which you have entered, At that time, just go back and find all the entered LIC policy numbers are correct or not, if found any mistake, please correct them, and even after correction if it is not allowed, please try the same in another internet browser.
    • The recommended internet browser to update your LIC policy contact details is Google Chrome, so try to update your contact details of all your Life Insurance policy details through online over Chrome browser.
    • After successful confirmation, an email will also send to you on your registered mail address with all your updated communication details and registered LIC policy numbers.
  3. Why every policyholder must update Insurance Policy Contact details?
    • From 1st March 2019, Life Insurance Corporation of India will inform any kind of Premium Due intimations and also any remainders for your Life Insurance Policy registered with LIC India through SMS only, and other through eMail, So, it is mandatory to update your mobile number and email address for all your policies through online or direct contact at LIC branch.

So every subscriber of LIC India must have to update your mobile and email address contact details at any time through online or direct contact at Life Insurance branch, because it is mandatory to receive any kind of notification after 01.03.2019.

4 thoughts on “Update LIC Policy Contact Details Online at licindia.in”

  1. Last year premium paid on 06.09.20 that time I receipt same addresses, mobile no ,and same E.Mail ID, also in the certificate down left side addresses mentioned ,now I request pls cheque your side any updatation problem .


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