Issuing of Vehicle pass to Railway vehicles is one of the important ones to avoid delay, so do check the process and the application for sanction…
Indian Railways is an important organization for the Government of India, as it is a key source of transport with having above 70% of travel goods and passengers, and thus the Indian Railways Official does have their Vehicle Pass on their own vehicle, which allows them to easily pass into railways officers and toll gates.
Having an Indian Railway Vehicle Pass allows the official to travel without disturbance and breakage, and the department office of Indian Railways allows the Vehicle with a pass to enter the premises without stopping at the gate.

As Goods vehicle does require a Vehicle Pass for must to enter the warehouse and department office to avoid the excess checking at any point and objections at many levels for entry, so do fill the application as mentioned below
The applicant or employee should submit the duly filled application to the SO and to CSC for issuing of the vehicle pass, and this application should contain complete details of railway employee number, PF number, and vehicle registration details, and make of vehicle.
The prescribed Railway vehicle pass application should forward to SO with necessary recommendations through the supervisor and controlling officer of the working employee, and without proper recommendation, the application resulting to rejection from SO office.