Apply Udyog Aadhar online at Udyam registration portal. Find the process for MSME / Udyam registration, certificate download or print उद्योग आधार, and also verify or login उद्योग आधार…
Udyog Aadhar
This is also known as Aadhar for business which is a 12-digit unique identification number. This will provide to the small cum medium enterprises on registration of business. The Government of India with its Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium initiated this process to provide a unique number for every business.
This is started in 2015 and it would have required lengthy documents for submission. Heavy paperwork with speared registration for both medium and small-scale industries.
In the past, Udyogaadhar (उद्योग आधार) required 11 different forms to submit and attested with certificates under entrepreneur. Through this scheme, this aims to develop the medium and small enterprises by giving them benefits like Bank Loans at lower rates, rebates, and concession on tariffs, etc.

This is a certificate that acts as a recognition certificate. This may issue by the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. It makes you eligible for business and includes a unique number to mask your identity unique for business.
Using this Udyog Aadhaar number, applicants can get various benefits and reliefs in their business which will make your path easier. The process of registration along with other paperwork at every step of business becomes easier with Udyog Aadhar certificate (उद्योग आधार प्रमाणपत्र).
उद्योग आधार Eligibility
As a citizen of India, you can move forward to register yourself with the Udyogaadhar if you possess the below-listed eligibility criteria.
- An application making around 10 crore Maximum investment for manufacturing in Plant & Machinery
- Applicant Should have made Rs 5 crores for services and equipment
- Applicants cannot register under Udyog Aadhaar if they have retail or wholesale activities
Here 99employee will provide most of the details in a step by step process which may do through Udyam registration portal
Udyog Aadhar Registration
Check how to register with Udyog Aadhar, the process is now easier as most of the things are done online and you would not require to submit heavy paper works.
- Open Udyam Registration Portal at
- Click on the Registration link for New Entrepreneurs
- Enter your Aadhaar number and Name as per Aadhaar
- Click on Validate and Generate OTP to verify your identity
- Under PAN Verification, Select Type of Organisation / संगठन के प्रकार from drop-down
- Enter PAN Number and Click Validate
- Fill in your Name of Enterprise and other details
- Enter the OTP and the Captcha code
- Click on Submit and Complete Registration
Udyog Aadhar Certificate
- Open Udyam Registration Portal using the link
- Enter Udyam Registration Number (Ex: UDYAM-XX-00-0000000)
- Enter Registered Mobile Number
- Select OTP mode (Mobile or Email as per registration)
- Click Validate and Generate OTP
- Enter OTP received
- Click Validate OTP and Click Print
- Download Udyog Aadhar Certificate or Print उद्योग आधार प्रमाणपत्र directly online
What are the Benefits of Udyog Aadhar
Let us have a quick look at the benefits of Udyog Aadhaar (उद्योग आधार) which will give you a brief about the function of this betterment scheme.
- Get a Bank loan at a lower rate of interest if you have a Udyog Aadhar certificate and a well loan with no mortgage or collateral
- The cost of setting up a business or getting a patent process will reduce by half
- Get the assured 50% grants on patent registration
- Avail tax rebates and exemptions for medium & small enterprises if registered
- Tariff subsidies and as well get capital & government subsidies
- License and approval along with registration of business get easier to process
- Get protection if a delay in payment through Udyam registration
- Concession in electricity Bills, Reimbursement of ISO certificate, Claim of stamp duty
What is the Fees for Udyog Aadhar Registration?
There is no registration fee for Indians to get register in Udyogaadhar. The cost of application processing and documentation for Udyog Aadhar Registration which will incur by the Ministry of Micro Small and medium enterprise through the Government of India. as this plan is to benefit the individual, it doesn’t apply any charges on them to make them comfortable with entrepreneur plans.
Documents Required for Udyam Registration
As you have checked your eligibility, now you can move forward for the registration if you have got the below-listed documents.
- Aadhar Card Number
- Bank Passbook with Photograph
- Voter ID
- Passport
- PAN Card
- Driving License
- Employee ID card issued by Government of India
- Caste Certificate
What is the difference between MSME and Udyog Aadhar?
The Micro Small and Medium enterprise is like Udyog Aadhar, and from the 1st July 2020. The registration of different firms taken into one roof as Udyam Registration to make the process easier. As well the existing individuals in Udyog Aadhaar and MSME asked to enrol themselves under the Udyam Registration to update their records.
Can the Udyog Aadhar update at anytime?
Yes, the Udyogaadhar may update anytime, if they find any difference in the application, applicants should move to Udyog Aadhaar online website and can use their UAM number to edit. The OTP received on a registered mobile number must ensure that editing done by individuals. The editing of the Udyog Aadhaar application may do any number of times, without any limitation.
What is Udyog Aadhar Memorandum?
Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum is a self-declaration or self-certification form which is for Medium Scale entrepreneurs, which mark the business existence of an enterprise by giving their communication details.
There is no fee for payment during the submission of the self-declaration form. There may multiple Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum filled with a single card number and can collect the respective acknowledgment number.
Is there a validity period for Udyog Aadhar certificate?
The Udyog Aadhar certificate is valid from the time. There is no time-bound on the validity of the certificate. However, the entrepreneurs must regularly update their certificates, to ensure their details are correct. The same may used for future reference for applying for business facilities.
Will i get current account with Udyog Aadhar?
This is enough to get your current account in any preferable bank. The Udyog Aadhar refers to as the certificate of MSME and it makes you eligible to open a current account as a business entrepreneur.
Can I open Udyog Aadhar without a PAN card?
PAN card is a mandatory document to register with the UdyogAadhar. Every individual who seeks Udyog Aadhaar must have an PAN card. This may link their existing Aadhar card number as well with their Bank account used to link with Udyog Aadhar.