Tambaram EPF Regional Office Updated Contact Details

Find the new contact details of EPF Tambaram Regional Office which thoroughly helped on any question regarding Employee Provident Fund, Check EPFO Office address, eMail ID, and help desk grievance numbers along with PRO Cell Information…

If you are a government employee or a salaried person then you might already have an EPFO account which is Employee Provident Fund Organization based, through which you will save some percentage of money every month till retirement.

If you are already enrolled into the EPFO or want to enroll yourself as well then you can find more information at Tambaram EPFO office which excels in providing all the information regarding the registration to money savings till the retirement process.

Tambaram EPF Office

Item Tambaram EPFO Contact Details
Zonal Headquarters Office of the Additional.Central Provident Fund Commissioner, Tamil Nadu
Head of EPFO Regional Office Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (RPFC) – Gr.I
Location EPFO Regional Office, Tambaram
3, Rajaji Salai,
Tambaram – 600 045
Email Id ro.tambaram@epfindia.gov.in
Regional PF Commissioner044- 22262003
Assitant PF Commissioner044- 22260163
Public Relation Officer 044- 22262297, 044 – 22261925
General Grievance Numbers 044- 22264398, 044 – 22264376,
044 -22264397
Tambaram EPFO Contact Details

There is no associated divisional offices for EPF RO Tambaram

The following list of districts with complete postal PIN code areas are covered under EPFO Tambaram Regional office

  1. Kanchipuram
  2. Tiruvallur
  3. Tiruvannamalai
  4. Vellore

If you want to change your employer or have problems in transferring the funds from one account to another for a new employer in EPF, then you can always visit or just call the Tambaram EPF regional office on the above contact details which ensures your fund safety and further services, because the EPFO executives are experienced in help customers from years now.

3 thoughts on “Tambaram EPF Regional Office Updated Contact Details”

  1. I request that my Provident Fund balance along with my Pension Service Details to transferred to my present account.
    This is been requested on 16/03/2021 and approval is still pending from the field officer. Kindly do this as soon as possible and the Tracking ID: 10123126622105002.

    thank you

  2. Dear Sir Madam
    Good Afternoon. Have a nice day.
    Kindly note that I have sent original forms 5 time both to GEIIPL Chennai & GENPACT Banglore for transfer of my Pension Period 14 years as well as Pension amount also but till date they have not
    transferred. Even I have sent minium 100 remindres to both units.But till date not transfered.
    Deatilas are as follow
    1. UAN No 100242393612
    2. GEIIPL Adress :19 GST Road Pallavram Chennai -60043. Pension A/c No TN 1570 AG132975. Transfer From.
    3. GENPACT Adress Salaria Soft Zone, Bellandur, Vartur, Hobli Karnataka 560103. My Pension Accoun NO PYKRP0045053000054094. Transfer To.
    4.Name Milind Purushottam Mande.
    5. My Temporary Address Chennai GFA3G2 Lalitha Palace Keelkatalai Chennai 600147.
    6. My Landlord’s Name Permanent Address-Mr. Muthukrishnan Balaraman. 302 Jamal Appartment Keelkatalai Chennai 600147.
    7. My PAN No ACNPM0385K.
    8. Aadhar Card NO 761345802923.
    9. Driving License No GJ06 19900016191
    10. Permanent Adress :18 Nalanda Society Opp Nalanda Water Tank Waghdia Road- Baroda 390025. Gujarat.
    11. Bank ACCOUNT ICICI 024801501501 Same Account I am using from last 35 years.
    12. Shall I provide indemnity Bond for transfer of Pension Amount from Chennai to Baroda Vadodara Gujarat. Or from Chennai to Banglore Karnataka.
    13. Above mentioned details are true, you can check if anything wrong you can recover the aunt from above mentioned ICICI Account.
    14. Mobile Nos. 8825884537 9003115644 9228213999 9275357018
    15. Last but not least Thanking you in anticipation.
    16. Shall I send signed form by GENPACT Banglore GEIIPL has not signed

  3. Dear sir i am sudeep das from odisha i need correction in my pf acountonly name sir my employer is didn’t approve change req now name- SUDIP DAS CORRECTION IS – SUDEEP DAS, now i leave Chennai City plz do correction soon as possible thanks


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