Indian Railway Employee can avail a different kind of leaves according to the situation at the moment on application submission for Sick Leave, EL, Paternity, Maternity, Leave not due and more, Have a look…
Leave Application: Indian Railways does have a proper process for its employees regarding their leave and attendance. If an employee is planning for leave, then they should let the department information with the Leave Application form, and this does indeed act as proof that the Department agreed to grant the leave and the employee is free to have these days without work.
As employees will be supporting the system it is necessary that they need to report any leave or breakage in their working, so that system will not be affected. In this case, the salary of a railway employee will not be affected and also shown in RESS Salary slip if got enough leave to be used for their vacation plan.
Download Railway Employee Leave Application Form

Commuted Leave/ Sick Leave
Leaves for an employee are crucial, as if they don’t record their leaves they might end up having an amount deducted from their salary. In this case every employee is granted with leave during their course of service.
The sick leave is an option to employees which can be taken on emergency and thus this needs to be informed as soon as the employee is back on work. Failure in doing so will result in paid leave and thus your net salary will be disturbed. The Application for Sick Leave or Commuted Leave can be filled and submitted to the department to make your leave with the approvals.
Download Commuted / Sick Leave Application Form
Sanction of Paternity / Maternity Leave
Health and family are the most preferred concern of every organization, thus Railway does make it a priority for employees, and If you’re an employee and about to get blessed with a baby, then being a father you’re eligible for Paternity Leave and if Mother allowed for Maternity leave which was granted through prior sanction applied on application form.
There is a Letter that needs to be submitted to the department by providing the details with the expected date of delivery. Such that department makes your sanction leaves, as paternity leave has 15 days of minimum leave that a father needs to take. This leave does help the employee to support his wife during their important time in their life and happily welcome the baby in their family. Where women employee has been granted a maximum of 180 days.
Get Paternity / Maternity Leave Application Form
Leave Not Due
Indian Railways is a huge organization that consists of different sets of employees working in their various departments placed across India. The employee is given a set of Leaves in the name of Holidays, Sick Leave, and Privilege Leaves. Thus these are the leaves that need to be taken by employees during their time of emergency or need.
In most cases, the leaves might not be enough and might end up getting all your listed leaves clear. In the view of which Leave Not Due Is an option that needs to opt by an employee which is a paid leave that can be deducted from salary. This is a future intimation to the department that he agreed to take leave for respective days.
Download Leave Not Due Application Form
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