Try to register ERP IIT KGP login to get the Khargapur IIT ERP services on hand for faccalty, students, admin’s, and also check how to reset the password online…
The Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur is a highly renewed IIT university in India as it has highly standards for student selection. Thus, to help both the students, faculty and the administrators the KGP has created a unique platform, i.e, Enterprise resource planning as ERP IIT Kharagpur
This has been effective for students mostly because they are able to not only access their official IIT KGP ERP emails, but also use this ERP interface to make their exam payments or pay any other invoices under their associated emails.
So, if you are either a student or a faculty then creating your own account for starters might be new. And through this article, we will guide you on more information about this platform.

In order to register ERP IITKGP account, you can follow the steps below.
IIT KGP ERP Registration
If you are a new student joining KGP ERP, then you might worried about the registration process and would want to finish your registration before anyone else.
But listen to me, you do not need to create your profile on your own. It is so because day of University orientation you may transported to the facility where faculty and staff with experience will guide you on perfect profile creation in quick time.
But still if you want to complete the registration on your own, you can follow the below steps.
- Go to the signup page from
- In the next page, you need to enter your sign up info, digital signature details and security questions
- Once done, enter the captcha code and click on the submit button to complete your account sign up.
- For students, you will have to select make payment.
- Select a degree to make payment that will confirm your account.
Now that you have created your account for IIT KGP website, then learn basic sign-in info by below instructions. Once you have your login id or stakeholder code with password, you can follow the below steps to complete the KGP ERP sign in process.
- Go to the KGP ERP portal from
- Click on Sign In from menu and you may redirect to the Sign In page
- Here enter your stakeholder id or login id, then password
- Finally click on Sign In button and you may logged into your account
ERP IIT KGP contact number for help?
Actually, ERP KGP does not have a specific helpline number for both the stakeholders and students to call online. But once you reach the University, you can check the offline helpdesk to help you with different service desk numbers.
How to Reset ERP IIT KGP Password for Students
Sometimes we all forget passwords and you might too forget your account password. Just follow the below steps to change your password.
- Once you open the KGP ERP website, click on the Forgot Password option from menu
- You may redirect to Password resetting page, here enter your login id
- Then enter your mobile number or email to enter the OTP received to confirm the account
- After that you can enter a new password and reenter the new password, click on submit button and now you have easily reset your password.
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur is one of India’s best institutes to receive higher education. In order to ensure the students receive the best facility, features and technology, they launched their own ERP system which may accessed from online.
All students can register through their ERP portal which allows them to pay fees, know more about exams, schedule, academics, notice and a lot more.
Can I access IIT KGP Mail from ERP
No, ERP and Mail portals are built differently, so you may not access your IIT KGP Mail from ERP portal.
Can Students’ Parents Register for IIT KGP ERP
No, ERP IITKGP only allows students to register for an account on their ERP portal.
How to delete emails from inbox or trash in ERP IITKGP?
In the case of both stakeholders and students, the email platform for the ERP IIT KGP is similar to Gmail itself. In order to delete mails from either inbox or trash, simply select that email and delete it to move to trash.