Pay Agra Property Tax online issued by Nagar Nigam Agra muncipal corporation | Search property tax using different options and find offline tax payment source…
Agra the well-known city does manage their development works the amount collected from Tax. Property Tax amount is mandatorily levied on every property owner who own residential, domestic, commercial or for industrial use. Agra house tax issued and collected by Agra Nagar Nigam, undertake all works in municipal corporation area.
Earlier the Agra House Tax has to pay by visiting the Agra Nagar Nigam office, but recently the development of the Official website has made the work easier. The citizens of Agra city can use these online portals to access their Agra house tax details and to clear dues through secure payment gateway online.

Agra Property Tax Payment Online
The payment of Agra Property Tax made online by using Agra Nagar Nigam official website. Here are steps which makes it easier for you to make the property tax payment.
- Visit the official website of Agra Nagar Nigam using
- Click by Property Number option to know detail of house tax
- Select Zone, Corporate Ward, and Mohalla from drop down and type House Number
- The details of property tax displayed on screen along with due amount
- Click on Pay Now button and type due amount to pay manually
- Use the payment mode from list of option and process the payment successful
Agra Property Tax Search Options
Agra Nagar Nigam does bring the option to search the Agra Property Tax by using multiple ways listed below. Citizens of Agra City can find their due amount by having simple information of their property with them.
- By House Number: House Number is your house number which allocated by the Nagar Nigam. The same may used to search property tax.
- By property number: This is a unique number allocate by Agar Nagar Nigam to every property owner. The same number used to search Property Tax dues.
- By using receipt number: You can find the paid receipt number. The same may used to search your property tax online.
- By Name: Owner name may found from the original document of property. This may used to list information from Agra Nagar Nigam.
How to Make Agra Property Tax Offline
Agar Nagar Nigam does have their service centers at every area along with Nagar Nigam offices. Thus citizens of Agar can locate and visit these offices to make payment of their property tax.
Similarly, they need to provide the house number or property number or property document to respective executive. Let them search your Property Tax due.
Once the amount confirmed, you can handover the amount to make payment offline. The executive will handover official payment receipt for payment of Agra Property Tax and same utilized for future reference.