Jamabandi Haryana provides uptodate land records in online with Nakal details, Check Integrated land record information with Jamabandi Nakal…
Haryana Government has brought the Jamabandi Online portal with an initiative of the revenue department by using the online technology to update and record every land information.
Through portal, citizens of Haryana state will be able to extract details of the landform online and can also view the details as mutation, registration, and records of right on any land.
Name of the Portal | Jamabandi |
State | Haryana, India |
Objective | Provision of Rural / Urban Area Land Record Documents Online |
Toll Free Number | 18002000023 |
Services | Property Registration, Encumbrance Certificate, Nakal, Cadastral Maps, Mutation details, Court Cases and more land record details |
Website | https://jamabandi.nic.in |
Having details online does easy work for buyers when going to invest in unknown land and as well help the owner to make necessary changes required to make their land updated.

With this type of Citizen Services, Haryana state land owners / buyers can also get information on sanction mutation and jamabandi of any land by using the Khasra numbers, khewat number and owner name. Educating the citizens with updated information on lands through Jamabandi is the main motto of this online platform.
What is Jamabandi
A copy of every 5-year revision entrusted in District Record Room and next retained by Patwari. These Jamabandi documents will be updated by patwari and verified by the district office by strict verification of land.
Citizens of Haryana state can use Jamabandi portal by using the facilities provided. Anyone can directly access the direct link from Jamabandi to use the services as below as per their usage.
Jamabandi Haryana Services
- Checklist of Dead Registration
- Standard Operating Procedure SOP for Deed registration
- Deed templates
- Collector Rates
- Check Dead appointment Availability
- View Registered Deeds and Stay Orders
- Controlled/ Urban area details
- Jamabandi Nakal details by owner name
- View Jamabandi mutation orders and Status of Mutation
- View Cadastral Maps
- Check Revenue court status of civil court status
- Check property tax details
- Integrated property wise transaction details.
Details of Land found from Jamabandi
Jamabandi does give a lot of information about land records in Haryana state. This helps the owners and new buyers to get enough information. Below are details of land that you can get from Jamabandi.
- Owner of Property, Kashatkar, Makbuja, Total Land, Irrigation, Majura, Gair Majura and Khewat.
How to Check Availability of Dead Registration Slots
To get an availability slot for your land deed registration appointment slots form Jamabandi. You can follow our steps which written below.
- Go to official website and click on Home Button to display list
- Her under Property Registration, click on check deed appointment availability
- Now select your district form drop down and Tehsil along with days
- Click on search button to display the available dates for registration
- That’s it, Based on this information of slots, dead registration processed as per your comfortable date.
How to View Nakal Record from Jamabandi Haryana
To get Nakal of your land, then the portal get details fetched online.
- Visit the official website and let the portal load on screen
- Now form Menu option click on Nakal Details to display
- Search Nakal Details through Owner Name, Khewat, Khasra or Date of mutation
- Fill the details as asked and then click on check to display results
- That’s it, based on your provided details, the screen loads with details of your Nakal can either take print or download in your system.
How to Check Collector Rate in Jamabandi Haryana Portal
Collector in Haryana State differs from district and This is must known the exact rate applies to you during property registration.
- Visit the portal by using link jamabandi.nic.in
- Under the home menu, click on Property registration to display list
- Here click on Collector Rates and wait for the page to load
- Select the District, Tehsil, Period and Village form the drop-down options
- Click on submit button and wait for the collector’s rates to display
- That’s it, The collector rates based on selected details may displayed on screen. You can make use of this information during your registration.
Check Court Status from Jamabandi Haryana Portal
- Visit the official website of Jamabandi and click on Court Cases form neu
- Now select Revenue Court Status, which will take you to new page
- Else use Civil court cases to check status by district, tehsil, and village name
- The details of court case provided information displayed on screen. This updated as per the records available in the sub registrar office.
Jamabandi Connected Districts
These districts in Haryana state Ambala, Bhiwani, Charkhi, Dadri, Faridabad, Fatehabad, Gurugram, Hisar, Jhajjar, Jind, Kaithal, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Mahendragarh, Nuh, Palwal, Panchkula, Panipat, Rewari, Rohtak, Sirsa, Sonipat, and Yamunanagar allowed to get land records online.
Jamabandi is also available in following states
- Himachal Pradesh with himbhoomilmk.nic.in/viewlandrecords.aspx
- Punjab with jamabandi.punjab.gov.in
- Chandigarh with
Should We Pay Registration Fees and Stamp Duty on the Value of the Rate of collector?
The stamp duty and registration on the said registration are mandatory to be paid, in other cases under section 47 A of the Indian Stamp Act 1899, customers are not required to pay the said charges on the values of rate of collector.
Who must pay stamp duty in case of conveyance deed, sale deed and partition deed?
In the conveyance deed the purchaser must bear the stamp duty while in case of lease or rent deed, the lease is liable to pay the stamp duty. For the exchange deeds it is asked for both lessee and lessor to bear the charges’ equality. In case of partition deed, the stamp duty will be paid as per the respective shares of the lessee and lessor.
What is meant by Khata No in Jamabandi?
Revenue officials refer to the Khewat number normally as Khata Number, which is an official account number given to every owner based on their co-stars in land. Based on your share in the land the khewat number will be allocated to everyone by giving them their unique account number.
What is the difference between Khatauni and Khasra?
The Khatauni is the details of land which consists of the entire land holding family with their detailed information. On the other side Khasra is a particular number provided to a piece of land that an individual owner owns.
What is Patta and Khata, are they the Same?
Khata is a document required during the registration of property in the sub registrar office. Patta is a name for Khata which is generally used in south Indian states. Based on the land type the state has given the name as Khata and Patta, as per the local citizen flexibility.
Can I get an Encumbrance certificate from Jamabandi?
Yes, with your details of land or estate you can try to fetch the Encumbrance certificate. The EC of land generated from the Jamabandi portal will be useful during your land registration, land mutation, Loan Application on land and to check the details or land with their past owners.