
DOP Full Form and Different Types of DOP Meaning

DOP has got different meaning based on the sentence it is being used and as well it depends on the type of sentence framed. The general DOP full form of words such as doped, doping, dopes usually used in different forms of nouns and adjectives. Proper DOP meaning of word based on its pronunciation, which ...


Oscillation Meaning Explained in Different Languages

Oscillation meaning explained in different languages and for different case studies. Check What is oscillation and more… Oscillation relatively a word that largely used in Physics and thermodynamics subject proactively in order to explain the state of a moving object. What is Oscillation The literal meaning regardless of the subject is that an object which ...


BI Full Form for Different Type of Services

BI full form is generally referred as Business Intelligence which comprises strategies and technologies used by data analytic and management of business. There come various definitions based on the BI full form, as well at the point where it is being used. BI is used in Military and Defense, Sports, Real Estates, Math’s, Computer Hardware, ...


Water Mitigation & Water Damage Restoration

What is Water Mitigation The effect of measures taken to prevent the water damage and wastages by preventive measure is referred to as Water Mitigation. There are steps which need to be followed to prevent the cause and effects from even a minute water leakage. As a homeowner, it is the prime responsibility to choose ...


Difference between Invoice and Bill, How does it Works

Must exactly know the difference between invoice and bill and how it works during shopping or transport, Just find all the details… We go through a lot of transactions daily and we get across words like Invoice, Bill and Statement, and we assume as we exactly know the meaning of these terms but that is ...


Difference between Economic Growth and Economic Development

Economic Growth and Economic development are two concepts in Economic, which may sound similar but have difference in their meaning. Economic Development is all about the Qualitative works done and where as the Economic Growth the Quantitative progress. In this article 99employee have got you some basic definition along with suitable relations which helps you ...


Sectors of Economy & Types Involved in Country Economy

Find different Sectors of Economy intervened in country growth. Check what is sector rotation and what happens if companies divided into sectors… The growth of a country or a business truly depends on the economic characters and the various services organized. There are various sectors in an economy which do collaborate with all organizations having ...