
Basic Salary & Factors Depend on Basic Pay for Calculation

The basic income of an employee or a worker, gained for the service provided is termed as Basic Salary. In general the amount of Basic Salary doesn’t include any of your appraisals, overtime pay or any kind of excess payment earned for extra hours working. The Basic Salary is fixed amount guaranteed by employer or ...


Siliguri EPF Office Address & Contact Info

Siliguri EPF Office provides Employee Provident Fund Account registration scheme for every employee in an organization. The Government of India, to secure the future of retired employees has brought the Employee Provident Fund Organization. Let’s check the following EPF office details for further inquiry and any process. Particulars Siliguri EPF Office Contact Details Zonal Headquarters Office ...


Why Most of BSNL Employees opting for VRS, and Position of Post VRS

Presenting some of the reasons collected from various sources, about why above 50% of BSNL employees opted for VRS 2019, and what is the position, condition on post VRS after 01.02.2020… Most of the employees, who have been working with BSNL for 30 years and have 5/6 years in their credit to serve in BSNL, ...


Employer, What is Meaning of Employer in Hindi & How Works

In general terms an Employer referred to as an individual or an organization which might be a nonprofit, private or government or business sector. The entities do hire people who referred to as their employees for a particular standard of work and pay them for their work done. The employer does define the terms of ...


Medical Reimbursement Claim Form for Railway Employee

Medical Reimbursement Claim is an option on prescribed form for every Indian Railway Employee who is termed as permanent employment, and there is health insurance in the form of MIC / RELHS which is given to every employee with respect to their critical and designation of work. Railway Department employees can make use of the ...


SWP Calculator to Find the Earnings to Redeem with Systematic Withdrawal Plan

Calculate your mutual fund earnings and check in SWP calculator to redeem with Systematic Withdrawal Plan, Find the new conditions and how does SWP calculator works for a individual investor, and when you have to use the SWP scheme of your mutual fund investment… SWP stands for Systematic Withdrawal Plan, and it is a feature ...


NPS Withdrawal (Partial, Premature, Exemptions) for Employee

Find the conditions applicable on NPS Withdrawal for employee before and after retirement for partial / premature withdrawals and exemptions allowed for withdrawal… National Pension Scheme, a program launched by the Government of India to secure the future of employees after their retirement. The scheme fully monitored by Government agencies and as well fully secured. ...


VISA Invitation Letter, Why important for Employee to work in Overseas Branch

What is VISA invitation letter and what does it contain, and the importance/benefits of VISA Invitation letter for overseas employee, find who will pay and when denied… Employees who are working for multi national companies asked to reach their client location or main branch location that they are supporting once a year. This is to ...


EPF Pension Status Online using PF Account PPO Number

Check EPF Pension status online without any registration by using PF account pension payment order number, Get your PPO number, and find the PPO status… The Employee Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) is widely known for its active participation with the Indian employees to make their retirement blissful, and their EPF scheme of savings funds for ...


CGHS Mobile App myCGHS for Appointment, Card & Claim

CGHS card user can now install myCGHS mobile app on mobile from playstore to access appointment, medical history, CGHS card and more details… In alignment with its vision of being the first choice in providing quality healthcare services and ensuring holistic well-being across clients entire life span, Central Government Health Scheme has adopt new technology ...