Are you a job seeker in West Bengal, then login to employment bank WB if registered, or have a new enrollment if not, and try to get West Bengal new information list for new jobs, Here is the new process how to enroll as new user for employment bank and where to login…
Employment Bank
As every state has its own official bank in order to assist the local citizens with their banking services, but West Bengal state has an Employment Bank which is not the same as any local bank in fact, and there are different employment related features and services that are provided to the citizens of WB through this bank web portal, where they are benefited with employment or employment related activities.
If you are someone who is seeking a job or an institute, or an employer who wants to hire someone then this service is perfect for you as it relates to placement activities, skill development of employees and domestic workers for their future.

The total number of job seekers who have registered for jobs are 3451063 with nearly 704 employers having registered in WB employment bank who are hiring for their companies and businesses in all forms of sectors, and not only business but there are 263 institutes who are hiring from this service. In the below steps, we’ve shown you the exact enrollment process that you need to follow.
Employment Bank WB – New Enrollment
- Open your browser and go to
- Click on New Enrolment Job Seeker on the home page and this will load the Terms and Conditions page
- Scroll to the bottom and then check the option “I have read, understood and agreed to the Terms and Conditions governing the use of Employment Bank”
- Click Accept & Continue option
- The next page opens, then enter different details which will include personal and Contact ID information as well
- Enter Personal and Contact Details as asked below
- Personal Information
- Name: Enter your full name
- Father’s/ Mother’s Name: Enter either your father’s or mother’s name here
- Spouse Name: Enter your wife name here or leave it blank if you don’t have
- Sex: Select your gender from here
- Caste/OBC: Select your caste from the options
- Religion: Select your religion from the drop down list
- Marital Status: Select your marriage status here
- Date of Birth: Select your date of birth in the dd/mm/yyyy format
- Physically Challenged: Select as per your discretion
- Whether Ex-Serviceman: If you have worked previously in any government related office select the preferred answer
- Contact Information
- Postal Address: Enter your home address here
- State: This will be West Bengal
- District: Select your district here
- Pin Code: Enter your area pin code here
- Mobile: Enter your mobile number without the country code here
- E-mail Address: Enter your email address here
- Personal Information
- Enter Educational Details as asked
- Exam Passed: Select the type of exam from Metric/10th to your last education
- Name of University/Board/Council: Select from the drop down options
- Year of Passing: Enter the year of the passing of the particular exam
- % of marks: Enter the percentage of the marks received as per memos but not marks
- Add New: Use this option to add new education once others are added
- Language, Physical Measurement and Photos, CV Upload
- Enter Language details as asked
- Select: Here you will find all the languages in the drop down options
- Read, Write, Speak, Speak Fluently: Select the option according to the language selected
- Add New: Once a language is added, use this option to add a new one
- Height, Weight, Chest: Enter these details as asked in the correct measurement scale
- Upload Photo / CV
- Photo: Click on the “Browse” option to select and upload a passport size photo which is either in jpg or jpeg format and is not more than 500kb in size
- CV: Click on the “Browse” option and upload your CV or resume
- Enter Experience Details & Additional Information
- Experience Details
- Employer’s Name: Enter your previous or current employer name here
- Year of Experience: Enter the year of experience in a number
- Exp. Type: Select your experience type
- Post Held: Name of the post
- Salary: Enter your salary
- Sector: Select the sector you have worked for
- Add New: Use this option to add any other experience
- Additional Information:
- Proof of Residence: Select between either “Ration Card”, “Voter ID Card”, “Passport”
- Residence Proof/ID No: As per selected proof of residence, enter the number on the ID
- Willing to Relocate: Select your preferred option from the drop-down options asked
- Whether BPL: Select “Yes” or “No” for this option, BPL means Below Poverty Line
- Additional Information: You can type the additional information as per your wish here
- Security Code: Enter the security code seen from the image into the box
- Experience Details
- Check both the options and then click on Submit.
- Immediately the login details for the account will be sent to your registered email address once the account is confirmed, and when you click on the confirmation link through the email.
After the registration into employment portal, and to proceed with your employment search, you have to log into the Employment Bank by following the below steps.
How to Login Employment Bank
- Open the Employment Bank official website link form your browser
- Tap on Login button
- Click on “Job Seeker Login” option
- Enter your username, password and the security code
- Tap on Submit option
- Search for the job as per the requirement
So if you are interested in being seen of by hundreds of employers from different companies, businesses and institutes and get placed for a good position then you have to first register your account in West Bengal employment bank and search for WB job.
What to do if Forgot Password for Employment Bank West Bengal?
Go to the JobSeekers login page and then click on “Forgot Password”, then enter User ID and security code, After that you will receive an OTP to your registered mobile number which once you enter will ask you to reset and enter a new password.
What if the User ID is lost for Employment Bank WestBengal?
Do not worry because if you have your registered mobile number or email address, then you can check the user ID directly and use it to login.
How to find a job in West Bengal from Employment Bank?
Once you have created your new enrollment job seeker account, then you can check available jobs and apply to them through which if selected the companies, institutes or businesses will hire you through the platform directly.
Name -shibaprasad mondal
addres-south 24 pargana
Plice I am join jubasree bank employment
Amar ph number harie gece to user id n password pechi but ekhon vata pai nai tar jonno ki korte hobe