Kerala Spark Helpdesk – Zone Wise Contact Details

Government employees of Kerala state may get in touch with SPARK helpdesk details presented zone wise which is available to address the queries over the phone…

Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala (SPARK) is an official website for the State Government, and this website has got information about the state government employee and their salaries.

The salaries are generated through an online information accountants program, which gets disbursed to employees automatically, and most of the work from the SPARK website is getting done automatically and there is very little manual intervention.

If you see any error in Kerala employees payslip or want to get in touch with their help desk, then you must be aware of your local SPARK contact, and this does give you an open platform for employees to get their issues answered through Helpdesk round the clock.

Kerala Spark does have a unique number for its state government employees based on their zone of working. So if you an employee of Kerala, then you can use a particular zone helpdesk number to connect and get your spark related issue resolved.

There are multiple helpdesk numbers that are provided to each zone for it to be easy to get their complaints resolved instantly, Based on the zone, the employee should call to their respective number to get their issue addressed, Let you check the zone wise number to get in touch.

Kerala Spark Helpdesk Information

Zone / District Contact Number
Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2579700
Kollam 0474-2793663
Pathanamthitta 0468-2322795
Aluppuzha 0477-2230332
Ernakulam 0484-2426390
Malappuram 0483-2734451
Kasargod 0499-4255008
Email info@

Note: Some of the above helpdesk numbers will be available round the clock to help you to address your concerns. The email is common for all the zones and will be responded by the concerned team during the business hours and respective representatives will be allocated to resolve your issue

Will Spark Help Desk be available around the clock?

No, the Spark number service is only available during the working hours of the government, thus employees who have concerns with their Spark account need to contact during the business hours only, and they can contact the email address daytime, which will be worked by respective Spark Helpdesk executives every next day.

Is Spark Helpdesk number chargeable?

Spark Help Desks are paid numbers, and these are not toll-free numbers. Thus you need to have a minimum balance in your account to make calls to the number with respect to your zone number.

Can I ask to reset the password from Spark Helpdesk?

This is not recommended to reset your password from the care, as their redirect link to employees to get their password reset, and if they face any issue in the password reset, that can be asked to get the correct process of password reset.

What information do I need to give to Spark Helpdesk?

As the Spark Helpdesk will be working for the Kerala state government employees only, and they need to provide their PEN number and date of birth for confirmation, as the employee mobile number is given to confirm your identity.

3 thoughts on “Kerala Spark Helpdesk – Zone Wise Contact Details”

  1. 31.5.2021 ന് റിട്ടയർ ചെയ്തു. റിട്ടയർ ചെയ്തതിനു ശേഷമാണ് Pay Fix ചെയ്തത്.Spark ൽ Retirement Entry ചെയ്തു. Pay Arrears ഉം വാങ്ങി. Fixation നു ശേഷം 1-5-21 ന് ഒരു Increment ഉണ്ട്.retirement കൊടുത്ത കാരണം Spark വഴിIncrement forward ചെയ്യാൻ പറ്റുന്നില്ല. PEN 657889

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